Presentation for E15/E80
conference / worksohp
- The search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear states by the
in-flight 3He(K-,n) reaction
(The 4th International Workshop on Nuclear and Particle Physics at J-PARC
(NP08) March.05(Wed) - 07(Fri), 2008)
- The search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear states at J-PARC
(The XIX International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems
"Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics" September 29
- October 4, 2008 in Dubna, Russia)
- Development of a thick-GEM TPC for the J-PARC E15 experiment (Poster)
(The 1st international conference on Technology and Instrumentation in
Particle Physics (TIPP09), March 12 to 17, 2009 at Epocal Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Japan.)
- Development of the Cylindrical Detector System for an experimental
search for kaonic nuclei at J-PARC
(The Third Joint JPS/DNP Meeting (Hawaii 2009), Oct. 13-17, 2009,
Hilton Waikoloa Village on Hawaii's Big Island)
- Development of Thick-GEMs for GEM-TPC Tracker
(1st International Workshop towards the Giant Liquid Argon Charge
Imaging Experiment (GLA2010), Tsukuba, Japan from March 28 to 31,
- Current status of the thick-GEM TPC for the J-PARC E15 experiment
(TUM-Riken Kick-Off Meeting @ TUM, May 10-11, 2010.)
- A search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear states by in-flight
3He(K-, n) reaction at J-PARC
(II International Symposium on Mesic Nuclei,
Jagiellonian University Cracow, September 22 - 25, 2013)
- Recent results and future prospects of the KbarNN search via
the (K-,N) reaction at J-PARC
"ECT*, Achievements and Perspectives in Low-Energy QCD with
Strangeness, 27-31, Oct. 2014"
- Recent results of the KbarNN search via the in-flight 3He(K-,n)
reaction at J-PARC
"The 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange
Particle Physics (HYP2015),
Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, from September 7 through 12,
- Experimental Investigations of the KbarN Interaction at J-PARC
"The 31st Reimei WorkShop on Hadron Physics in Extreme Conditions at
J-PARC, Jan.18(Mon) - 20(Wed) 2016, Advanced Science Reseach Center
(ASRC), JAEA Tokai Campus"
- KbarNN bound state search at J-PARC
"The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the
Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016),
July 25-30, 2016 in Kyoto, Japan"
- Experimental studies on the KbarN interaction
"International Workshop on Strangeness Nuclear Physics 2017 (SNP2017),
12-14 March 2017, Ekimae Campus, Osaka Electro-communication
- Recent results from J-PARC E15/E31
"Symposium Strange and non-strange mesons induced processes studies at
DAFNE, J-PARC and RIKEN: present and future,
10-11 July 2017, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Italy"
- KbarNN bound state search at J-PARC E15
"ASTRA: Advances and open problems in low-energy nuclear and hadronic
STRAngeness physics, ECT*, Trento, Italy, 23-27 October 2017"
- Search for the Kaonic Bound State KbarNN at J-PARC
"15th International Workshop on Meson Physics (MESON2018),
KRAKOW, POLAND, 7th - 12th June 2018"
- Search for the Kaonic Bound State KbarNN via 3He(K-,
Λp/pΣπ)n Reactions
"YKIS2018b Symposium “Recent Developments in Quark-Hadron Sciences”
June 11 - June 15, 2018, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Kyoto University"
- Kbar-Nuclear Bound State at J-PARC
"13th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2018),
Dec. 4(Tue.)-8(Sat.), 2018 in Omiya, Saitama, Japan"
- K-pp bound system at J-PARC
"The 15th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the
Structure of the Nucleon (MENU-2019),
Cohon University Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Pennsylvania, June 2 to June 7, 2019"
- Λ(1405)pn at J-PARC
"Strange Matter Workshop - Strangeness studies in Italy and Japan,
15-17 October 2019, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Italy"
- 3ΛH lifetime measurement with 3He(K-, π0)3ΛH Reaction
"Strange Matter Workshop - Strangeness studies in Italy and Japan,
15-17 October 2019, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Italy"
- Λ(1405)pn Final State in the K- + 3He reaction
"STRANEX: Recent progress and perspectives in STRANge EXotic atoms
studies and related topics ECT*, Trento, 21-25 October 2019"
- Recent results and future prospects of kaonic nuclei at J-PARC
Yamada Conference LXXII: The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body
Problems in Physics (APFB2020), 1-5 March 2021, Kanazawa, JAPAN
- Summary of the K-pp bound-state observation in E15 and future
September 13-17, 2021, Online
- Light kaonic nuclei at J-PARC
Strangeness Nuclear Physics Workshop 2021,
18-19 December 2021, Online
- New Kaonic Nuclei Project at J-PARC
"SPICE: Strange hadrons as a Precision tool for strongly InteraCting systEms,
ECT*, Trento, 13-17 May 2024"
- Light Kaonic Nuclei at J-PARC
"QNP2024 - The 10th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics,
8–12 Jul 2024, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona"
- Antikaon-Nuclear Bound States at J-PARC
"Bormio Conference - the 61st International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, 27–31 Jan 2025 Bormio, Italy"
JPS (in Japanese)
- J-PARCにおけるK中間子原子核探索実験のための円筒形ドリフト・チェン
バーの開発(J-PARC E15実験)
- ストレンジ・ダイバリオン探索実験に用いる高時間分解能TOF検出器の開発
- J-PARC E15実験におけるπΣN崩壊チャンネルを用いたKbarNN束縛
- 軽いK中間子原子核の系統的測定
others (in Japanese)
- J-PARC E15実験における円筒形ドリフトチェンバーの開発状況とバーテッ
2007.11.26-28, 秋保温泉(仙台市) 緑水亭)
- J-PARC E15実験における円筒形検出器群の現状とバーテックス検出器
2008.10.29-31, 山代温泉(石川県加賀市) ゆのくにてんしょう)
- J-PARC E15実験におけるTGEM-TPCの開発@理研
- J-PARCにおけるK中間子原子核探索実験による宇宙核物理学 [Nuclear
astrophysics at J-PARC with a search for deeply-bound kaonic nuclear
states] (in English)
(Rプロセス元素組成の統合的理解 -宇宙の中の不安定核物理-
- Recent results and future prospects of the KbarNN search @
"原子核媒質中のハドロン研究 II, J-PARC, 2014 10/24-25"
- Latest results of the KbarNN search via the (K-,N) reaction in
"ストレンジネス核物理の発展方向研究会, J-PARC, 2015 8/3-5"
- The latest results from J-PARC E15
星核物質」研究会, RIKEN, 2017 12/1-3"
- Recent results of the KbarNN search at J-PARC
"2017年度 KEK理論センターJ-PARC分室活動 総括研究会
, J-PARC, 2018 2/1-2"
- K中間子原核探索実験の現状、及び今後の展開
"「物質階層原理」&「ヘテロ界面研究」合同春合宿, 熱海, 2018 5/11-12"
- New Results on the "K-pp" bound state from J-PARC
東北大学電子光理学研究センター, 2018 9/11-12,"
- Solenoid (Doraemon) Spectrometerat J-PARC K1.8BR
RIBF, 2024 2/9,"
- J-PARCで作る新しい形態の原子核 - 反K中間子原子核 -/ New Form of Nuclei Created at J-PARC – Kaonic Nuclei –
"原研先端研セミナー, 原研先端研, 2024 4/8,"
- kaon-nucleus bound systems
"研究会「EICで展開する新たな原子核・素粒子物理」28–30 May 2024 東京大学"
Presentation for pbar+He experiment
conference / worksohp
- Double anti-kaon production in nucleus by Stopped
Anti-proton Annihilation
(International Workshop on Physics and Upgrade of the J-PARC Hadron
Facility September 18(Fr) - 19(Sa), 2009 at the Ibaraki Quantum Beam
Research Center)
- A search for double anti-kaon production in antiproton-3He
annihilation at J-PARC
(TUM-Riken Kick-Off Meeting @ TUM, May 10-11, 2010.)
- A search for double anti-kaon production in antiproton-3He
annihilation at J-PARC
(Strangeness in Nuclei @ RIKEN, June 12, 2010.)
- A search for double anti-kaon production in antiproton-3He
annihilation at J-PARC
(ECT*, Strangeness in Nuclei @ ECT*, 4 - 8 October, 2010.)
- Double antikaonic nuclear clusters in antiproton-3He
annihilation at J-PARC
(10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics
(LEAP2011), TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada: April 27-May 1, 2011)
- Search for double anti-kaon nuclear bound states at J-PARC
(ECT*, New trends in the low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector:
experimental and theoretical aspects @ ECT*, 15 - 19 October, 2012.)
- Search for double strangeness dibaryons at J-PARC
(ECT*, Strangeness in the Universe, 21-25, Oct, 2013.)
Presentation for p+p->K-K-pp+X experiment
conference / worksohp
- 10GeV陽子陽子衝突における二重K中間子核の生成
--- 実験フィージビリティ ---
(「J-PARC 高運動量ビームラインの物理」研究会, 5/16-17, 2012, KEK)
- Kaonic Nuclei
--- Possibility of double-kaonic nuclear cluster, “K-K-pp”,
search sing p+p reaction @ high-p BL ---
(Workshop on "Physics with General Purpose Spectrometer in the
High-momentum Beam Line"
27-28 August 2018, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP))
Presentation for E16
conference / worksohp
- Results of KEK-PS E325 experiment
(第3回「ハドロン・スクエア」, 2010.6.15, いばらき量子ビーム研究センター)
others (in Japanese)
- E16実験におけるKK対測定の検討
キックオフ会議, 2009.11.27-28, 名古屋大学(名古屋市))
- Development of an Aerogel Cherenkov Counter for the J-PARC E16
2010年度領域研究会, 2011.2/28-3/1, 理研)
Presentation for the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Extension
conference / worksohp
- J-PARC Hadron Hall Extension Project
(14th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics - HYP2022, June 27, 2022 to July 1, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic)
[proceedings: EPJ Web of Conferences 271, 11001 (2022)]
- Present status of J-PARC Hadron Hall Extension Project
(Workshop on "Physics of heavy quark and exotic hadrons 2023", Jan 30-31, 2023, Tokai Campus, KEK)
- The J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Extension Project
(The 20th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2023), June 5th to 9th 2023, Genova, Italy)
- The hadron experimental facility extension at J-PARC
(17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (MESON 2023), KRAKÓW, POLAND 22nd - 27th June 2023)
- Present and Future Perspectives in Hadron Physics at J-PARC
(Present and future perspectives in Hadron Physics, 17–19 Jun 2024, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati INFN, Frascati, Italy)
- J-PARC andits hadron hall extension overview
(NSTAR 2024, 17–21 Jun 2024, Hilton Hotel York, York, UK)
- J-PARC - future plans, hadron hall
(International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA/LEAP 2024), 25–30 Aug., 2024, Vienna)
Weekly Meeting for E15 (Collaborator only)
- CDCstudy (2007/05, gas/Garfield)
- CDCstudy2 (2007/05, K-pp->Lambda+p)
- CDCstudy3 (2007/05, Garfield)
- CDCstudy4 (2007/06, ZVC)
- CDCstudy5 (2007/06, hit-smear)
- CDCstudy6 (2007/06, momentum-resolution)
- CDCstudy7 (2007/07, ZVC)
- CDCstudy8 (2007/07, ZVC)
- CDCstudy9 (2007/07, ZVC/helix-fit/DCA)
- CDCstudy10 (2007/08, momentum-resolution/event-display)
- CDCstudy11 (2007/08, ZVC/circle-fit/Data-Class)
- CDSstudy12 (2007/09, CDH/ZVC/trigger-rate)
- CDSstudy13 (2007/09-10, CDC-support/ZVC/mom-resolution/pID)
- CDSstudy14 (2007/11, TPC)
- CDSstudy15 (2008/02, K-pp->Sigma+pi+p)
- CDSstudy16 (2008/03, trigger-rate)
- CDSstudy17 (2008/04, Garfield)
- CDSstudy18 (2008/05, Missing-Mass)
- CDSstudy19 (2008/05-06, TPC with Maxwell-2D and Garfield, gas-study)
- CDSstudy20 (2008/06-07, CDH-PMT, CDH-design)
- CDSstudy21 (2008/08-09, current status of z-TPC)
- CDSstudy22 (2009/-01, CDH cosmic-ray test)
- Z-TPC geometry (2009/04)
- CDSstudy23 (2009/10, magnetic-field study)
- NC study (2010/07, missing mass & acceptance)
- NC study (2012/05, expected responce)
- MC study (2012/06, MC study of neutron counter responce, K0S, Lambda)
(1) [pdf]
(2) [pdf]
(3) [pdf]
- MC study (2012/07, Lambda p n phase-space)
- CV design (2012/08, CV design with MC)
- BVC resolution (2013/02, BVC Cosmic-Ray Test @ RIKEN)
- K- + 3He simulation 1 (2013/08, simulation with full-CS for 1.0
GeV/c, 3He(K-,n) )
- K- + 3He simulation 2 (2013/09, simulation with full-CS for 1.0
GeV/c, 3He(K-,Lp) )
- Sigma-Lambda conversion, 2-step study (2013/11, simulation study
for Lambda p n event)
- Dalitz plot study (2014/05, simulation study
for Lambda p n event)
- Fermi-Motion Study (2015/04,
on-/off-shell treatment & three-body spectator)
- Fermi-Motion Study 2 (2015/06, deuteron & triple-gaussian)
- KinematicalFit with KinFitter (2017/01)
- Neutron Detection with CDH (2017/06)
- Λpn analysis based on Sada/Yamaga's analyses (2017/06-07)
- Λpn analysis II (2017/08)
- Λpn analysis III (2017/09)
- πΣpn analysis (2017/10)
- πΣpn analysis II (2017/11)
- πΣpn analysis III (2018/03)
- πΣpn analysis IV (2018/04)
- πΣpn analysis V (2018/05)
- K0n and πΣ analysis with H2 data (2018/06-07)
- πΣpn analysis VI (2018/08)
- πΣpn report (2018/10)
- πΣpn analysis VII (2019/02)
- πΣpn analysis VIII [p(K-Σ)π reanalysis] (2019/03)
- πΣpn analysis IX [BG subtraction] (2019/05)
- πΣpn analysis X [updated BG subtraction] (2020/02)
- πΣpn analysis XI [updated spectral fitting and CS evaluation] (2020/02)
- Λnp rough analysis (2020/04) - added NOT Λ selection (2022/11)
- πΣpn analysis XII [sideband BG subtraction -- updated spectra and CS] (2020/05)
- MC study for the new proposal (2020/06)
- πΣpn analysis XIII [πΣpn with Yamaga parameter, QF->2NA reactions] (2020/06)
- πΣpn analysis XIV [updated results with a change of the likelihood function (log->ln)] (2020/08)
- πΣpn analysis XV [Kpp->Λp spectrum with πΣp acceptance ] (2020/09)
- MC study for the new proposal II [with Dora] (2020/10)
- πΣpn analysis 16 [slightly updated CS] (2020/11)
- πΣpn analysis 17 [Kpp->piSp decay yield, updated CS] (2021/08)
- πΣpn analysis 18 [IM(piS) fit with Yamaga-QF, updated CS] (2021/09)
- πΣpn analysis 19 [updates for paper - CS update, Kpp->πΣp, Kpp fit, etc.] (2021/10)
- MC study for the new proposal III [with Dora] (2021/11)
- E80 CDC study - with Garfield (2022/09)
- CDSstudy24 (2023/09, Gas-study)
- Solenoid Test(w/o Return Yoke) at TOSHIBA 2025 Feb.3-14 (2025/03)
M.Tokuda's analysis reports (GEM, CDH, etc.)
Another Meeting (Collaborator only)
CDH test modules @ 071109, RIKEN
CDC @ 071122, akita
CDC HV modules @ 071125, RIKEN
CDC @ 071219, REPIC
CDH @ 071228,RIKEN
test experiment for the Kaon Decay Veto counter @ Feb. 5-8, 2008, Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku Univ.
LED setting for CDH-PMT gain calibration @ 080218, RIKEN
PMT setting for CDH-PMT gain calibration @ 080218, RIKEN
signal distributor for CDC & CDH test modules @ 080225, RIKEN
CDC @ 080228, REPIC
CDC @ 080314, REPIC -> KEK
CDC @ 080407, KEK
CDH, CDC-test @ 080414, RIKEN
solenoid magnet @ 080423, KEK
CDH in solenoid magnet @ 080514, KEK
CDH @ 080707, RIKEN
silicone cookie @ 080710, RIKEN
CDH @ 080711, RIKEN
TGEM @ 080716, RIKEN
CDC @ 080722, KEK
CDH @ 080728, KEK
CDH test @ 080818, RIKEN
CDC @ 080819, KEK -> J-PARC
GEM-TPC @ 080820, RIKEN
GEM-chamber @ 080821, RIKEN
CDC @ 080909, J-PARC
CDH @ 080911, KEK
CDC @ 080925, J-PARC
TGEM #1-41 @ 081009, RIKEN
CDH test @ 081010, RIKEN
RETGEM prototype @ 081010, RIKEN
ASD-preamp x190 @ 081021, RIKEN
preamp test @ 081023, J-PARC
CDH fabrication @ 081031, G-tech
CDH-PMT & Beam-Line @ 081105, J-PARC
solenoid magnet @ 081111, KEK
CDH @ 081111, KEK
RETGEM #50-53 @ 081111, RIKEN
GEM @ 081114, RIKEN
solenoid magnet @ 081128, TOKIN, Sendai
cable @ 081202, J-PARC
mounts of cables @ 081219, J-PARC
TGEM #12 @ 081222, RIKEN
CDH ring base @ 081224, J-PARC
CDH @ 090108, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 090122, J-PARC
備品シール @ 090202, J-PARC
CDH installation @ 090203, J-PARC
Z-TPC @ 090416, REPIC
Z-TPC @ 090528, REPIC
solenoid-CDC @ 090618, J-PARC
Z-TPC @ 090720, REPIC
Z-TPC @ 091009, REPIC
Z-TPC @ 091030, REPIC
Z-TPC @ 091106, REPIC
Z-TPC @ 091111, REPIC
K1.8BR @ 091112
Z-TPC test-bench @ 091122, RIKEN
CDC installation @ 091218, J-PARC
CDC cabling @ 100108, J-PARC
備品シール @ 100219, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 100225
CDS @ 100318
備品シール @ 100412, J-PARC
CDS installation @ 100416, J-PARC
CDS installation @ 100419, J-PARC
CDS @ 100427, J-PARC
CDS @ 100529, J-PARC
Z-TPC @ 100621, REPIC
NIM, NC, etc. @ 100701, KEK
CDS, etc. @ 100916, J-PARC
CDS @ 100928, J-PARC
CDS, etc. @ 101025, J-PARC
target installation test @ 101101, J-PARC
Aerogel Cherenkov @ 101208, KEK
Ushiwaka Magnet @ 110112, KEK
Backward Proton Detector @ 110124, REPIC
K1.8BR @ 110125, J-PARC
Aerogel @ 110127, RIKEN
GeV-gamma building @ 110216, ELPH
Aerogel @ 110219, RIKEN
Ushiwaka Magnet @ 110310, KEK
K1.8BR @ 110412, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 110518, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 110527, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 110607, J-PARC
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter @ 110704, G-tech
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter @ 110715, KEK
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter @ 110720, KEK
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter @ 110726, RIKEN
LEPS @ 111007, SPring-8
K1.8BR @ 111012, J-PARC
TGEM @ 111012, RIKEN
資産シール @ 111020, J-PARC
AVR @ 111020, J-PARC
LEPS test exp. @ 111102-07, SPring-8
Aerogel Cherenkov Counter @ 111118, KEK
TKO modules @ 111118, KEK 回路室
target @ 111226, J-PARC
counting house @ 120106, J-PARC
K1.8BR @ 120112, J-PARC
BPC @ 120120, J-PAAC
資産シール @ 120123, J-PARC
misc @ 120202, KEK
Run#40 @ 120214, J-PARC
Ushiwaka @ 120215, KEK
Run#40 @ 120222, J-PARC
Neutron Counter @ 120228, KEK
Neutron Counter @ 120301, J-PARC
Neutron Counter @ 120330, J-PARC
資産シール @ 120402, J-PARC
資産シール @ 120508, J-PARC
NC, etc. @ 201204, J-PARC
Ushiwaka, beam-dump etc. @ 201205, J-PARC
magnet, etc. @ 201206, J-PARC
beam-line counters, etc. @ 201207, J-PARC
資産シール @ 120806, J-PARC
NC-tent @ 120823, J-PARC
NC-tent @ 120829, J-PARC
BVC @ 1212, J-PARC
new AC @ 1303, J-PARC
new AC @ 1304, J-PARC
FDC1 @ 130723, J-PARC
removal of cables @ 131209, J-PARC
cable re-install @ 140616, J-PARC
資産シール @ 150204, J-PARC
資産シール @ 150603, J-PARC
Phi (Collaborator only)
stopped pbar + He experiment (Collaborator only)
- pbarHe1 (2009/05-06) kinematics, etc. for LoI study
- pbarHe2 (2009/06) stopped pbar yield estimation
- pbarHe3 (2009/07) acceptance calculation for the E15 setup
- pbarHe4 (2009/07-08) acceptance calculation for a new setup
- pbarHe5 (2009/08-09) GEANT4 simulation for the E15 & new setup
- pbarHe6 (2010/01-02) GEANT4 simulation II (BG from decay mode,
yield, S/N)
(BUGS in detector acceptance estimations with
- pbarHe7 (2010/02-03) GEANT4 simulation III (BG from
multi-annihilation, exclusive measurement)
(BUGS in detector acceptance estimations with
- pbarHe8 (2010/03) GEANT4 simulation IV (detector acceptance with
stopped & 1-GeV/c anti-proton)
- pbarHe9 (2010/06) stopped pbar yield estimation II
- pbarHe10 (2010/06-07) Lambda(1405) production in pbar+A
- pbarHe11 (2010/07) K-pp production in pbar+3He
- pbarHe12 (2010/07-08) K-pp simulations in pbar+3He
annihilation (K-pp & K-K-pp acceptance)
- pbarHe13 (2010/08)changing magnetic field of the solenoid magnet
from 0.5T to 0.7T
- pbarHe14 (2010/10, updated in 2011/02) pbar yield @ K1.8BR
- pbarHe15 (2010/11) simple K+K+ or ΛΛ detection @ K1.8BR
- pbar3He (2013/08) re-analysis of Geant4 simulation for pbar+3He
- pbarHe16 (2014/07) stopped pbar yield estimation III (E15 setup)
- past-experiments, summary of past experiments
- double-ssbar, possible double strangeness production channels
stopped pbar + He experiment
- submitted LoI (2009/06)