Today's Progress 3. July. 2006

Tune of T0-PA time walk by (K^-,X) with PA-PB-detected velocity (PB fixed) (2)


Since PB time walk is fixed arm-by-arm, we try to fix the T0-PA time walk more accurately, by studying the center and width of

DeltaT''(T0->PA) = Tpa' - Tt0' - TOFkstop - TOFsec',

where Tpa', Tt0' are 1st-stage-offset-subtracted Tpa/Tt0 (see, 0624), and TOFsec' is calculated from the updated PA-PB-detected 1/beta (see, 0627).


Run-by-run time walk of T0 2nd layer segemnts after first stage T0-PA-PB offset tune.
time walk of T0 2nd layer segments
Run-by-run time walk of PA Larm segemnts after first stage T0-PA-PB offset tune.
time walk of PA Larm
Run-by-run time walk of PA Rarm segemnts after first stage T0-PA-PB offset tune.
time walk of PA Larm
Run-by-run stability of T0-PA TOF resolutiuon, obtained from Kst-Charged triggered event set. PAPB 1/beta 1.0~1.5 are selected from "Kstop" events without any energy loss correction on flight time. Results of 1st(from 0624) and 2nd stages are overlayed.
T0->PA TOF stability