Here, we study the run-by-run time walk of T0/PA with Kstop-charged-triggered event set, by
DeltaT(T0->PA) = Tpa - Tt0 - TOFkstop - TOFsec,
where TOFsec is caluculated from the 1/beta determined PA-PB TOF, TOFkstop is simulated value. In order to achieve better resolution of the distribution center, we fully impose KstopID > -1. (MeVee) condition. Note that we cannot determine the offset for all of the existing counters - we do need to select a counter to give a absolute reference. The PA R segment 4 is selected as the reference, and absolutely fixed. Then, segment-by-segment tune is performed for T0 row 2,3,4 with PA R-4, the PA L/R arms with T0 2-4 segment-by-segment. Finally, T0 1/5 is tuned with respect to PA R arm. Note that TOFsec is dependent on Tpa - but the dependence of TOFsec on Tpa is smaller than that of DeltaT, by factor 0.2. Thus, at the initial stage of the tunning, the possible error on TOFsec due to PA/PB time walk is consciously neglected.After T0/PA time offsets are tuned, PA arm-by-arm T0PA TOF resolution, which is defined as the Gaussian sigma to fit the distribution, is as below. Assuming the PA time walk obtained here, run-by-run PB time walk is studied nextly.