Today's Progress 2. Dec. 2005 (updated every moment)

PDC tracking - PA retiming and long-term stability of the resolution

In order to achieve maximul position resolution also for delayed events, PA retiming for PDC tracking must be performed. Since PA relative offsets are known in the previous preliminal PA-PB analysis, now it can be activated. First of all, we do need channel-by-channel TDC calibration for DrT TDC used for PDC, and the result is tabulated here. A typical drift time distribution after PA re-timing (top) and dtdx conversion function evaluated from it (bottom) are shown below. Note that WE DO NEED INVERTING OPERATION FOR RAW TDC CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION , and then PA arrival timing can be subtracted. This is just due to common stop feature of DrT usage.

After the re-timing operation, residual distribution of the track reconstruction looks nice for K^+ also. The drastical improvement is shown in the comparison below. The real and dashed lines represent the y-residual distributions for PDC L arm after and before retiming operation, respectively. dt-dx conversion functions used are constructed by the total from run 69 to 90 for both. It is obvious that the operation works well, and give reliable tracking for delayed events also after that.

Since re-timing operation is successfully introduced, the long-term variation of PDC tracking resolution can be studied (and stabilized) all over the E549 production. The long-term variation of PDC tracking efficiency is shown below. Now, PA time detection is additionally required to PDC hit pattern to perform tracking, but we do not see any inefficiency compared to them without PA requirement (see, here ) for the comparison.

Run-by-run values for PDC tracking resolution is shown below. dt-dx functions are taken from that obtained with run 69-90. The resolution is much improved for K^+ run, but periodic? variation, which is exactly synchronizing to that obtained without PA retiming, Still remains. This can be removed by using neighboring runs to construct dt-dx.

We divide the production term, and apply relevant dt_dx function. The initial guess of the division is obtained as next table, and the resulting long-term variation is shown below.

PDC production term division as its initial guess, 1st and 2nd iteration
run number (init) reference for dt-dx (init)run number (1st) reference for dt-dx (1st)run number (2nd)reference for dt-dx (2nd)
69 - 83 69 - 83 69 - 83 69 - 83 69 - 83 69 - 83
84 - 92 84 - 90 84 - 92 84 - 90 84 - 92 69 - 90
93 - 104 93 - 102 93 - 104 93 - 102 93 - 104 93 - 102
105 - 115 105 - 111 105 - 109 105 - 109 105 - 106 105 - 111
116 - 135 116 - 124 110 105 - 111 107 - 109 105 - 109
136 - 141 136 - 141 111 - 115 111 - 115 110 - 112 105 - 111
142 - 167 69 - 90 116 - 119 116 - 124 113 - 115 111 - 115
168 - 175 168 - 174 120 - 123 120 - 123 116 - 135 69 - 90
176 - 195 176 - 185 124 - 135 116 - 124 136 - 141 136 - 141
196 - 204 196 - 204 136 - 141 136 - 141 142 - 166 69 - 90
205 - 227 209 - 220 142 - 166 69 - 90 167 - 172 167 - 172
228 - 238 228 - 233 167 - 172 167 - 172 173 - 175 168 - 174
239 - 257 239 - 256 173 - 175 168 - 174 176 - 178 176 - 185
258 - 265 258 - 265 176 - 178 176 - 185 179 - 182 179 - 182
266 - 281 266 - 278 179 - 182 179 - 182 183 - 195 176 - 185
282 - 289 282 - 289 183 - 195 176 - 185 196 - 197 196 - 204
290 - 297 290 - 297 196 - 197 196 - 204 198 - 203 198 - 203
298 - 306 298 - 306 198 - 203 198 - 203 204 196 - 204
204 196 - 204 205 - 220 209 - 220
205 - 220 209 - 220 221 - 227 221 - 227
221 - 227 221 - 227 228 - 230 228 - 233
228 - 230 228 - 233 231 - 233 231 - 233
231 - 233 231 - 233 234 - 238 228 - 233
234 - 238 228 - 233 239 - 248 239 - 256
239 - 248 239 - 256 249 - 254 249 - 254
249 - 254 249 - 254 255 - 257 239 - 256
255 - 257 239 - 256 258 - 259 258 - 265
258 - 259 258 - 265 260 - 265 260 - 265
260 - 265 260 - 265 266 - 268 266 - 278
266 - 268 266 - 278 269 - 275 269 - 275
269 - 275 269 - 275 276 - 281 266 - 278
276 - 281 266 - 278 282 - 289 282 - 289
282 - 289 282 - 289 290 - 297 290 - 297
290 - 297 290 - 297 298 - 306 298 - 306
298 - 306 298 - 306

As the result of initial division, the long-term variation is supressed, but still exist. We apply further division of the production term and the further division is shown in the table abobe. The step-wise improvement is shown below. Now, PDC tracking has been finalized.

To be done nextly (in order) ....

0. PA->PB TOF finalization for K^+ runs.

1. NC analysis 1 - Detector study, energy calibration and correlation between PB-defined-1/beta and PB+NT-defined-total energy.

2. T0->PA TOF, Kaon flight time and relative offset adjustment of T0 segments.

3. Stop K selection with reaction time and inclusive proton spectrum

4. NC analysis 2 - PA->NC TOF with K^+ run

5. NC analysis 3 - Pattern recognition and 1/beta spectrum for neutral particles