Today's Progress 9. Sep. 2005

Extension of the available run number of chamber tracking

Until the previous report, available run number for chamber tracking is 69 to 260. In order to extend it to include the last 15~20 %, CMS table modification, as well as re-construction of all dt-dx(dt-dr) for BLC and VDC has been required. The result of the work will be developed here.

BLC part

For BLC, we may need reconstruction of dt-dx. From run 260, old dtdx suddenly becomes not to work well.

blc residual distribution at run258 blc residual distribution at run260

run 260 would be treated as junk. After run 261, we re-construct dtdx. The result is shown below. Now, the resolution is globally stable.

variation of blc residual distribution

The term division to get above resolution variation for dt-dx usage is shown in the table below.

BLC dt-dx production term division
run dt-dx(dy) reference
69-81 91-116 sum
82-87 69-90 sum
88-122 91-116 sum
123-126 117-141 sum
127-132 91-116 sum
133-142 117-141 sum
143-156 142-162 sum
157-171 91-116 sum
172-178 163-188 sum
179-240 91-116 sum
241-258 241-258 sum
261-268 261-278 sum
269-273 269-273 sum
274-278 261-278 sum
279-296 282-296 sum
297-306 261-278 sum

VDC part

Long-term variation of VDC tracking efficiency of beam-originated trigger for production and K^+ run. Tracking efficiency is fairly stable, excepting for several runs. A suden jump between run 121 and 122 is due to disconnection of VDC VETO from K*VTC*NTor trigger.

vdc tracking efficiency for beam trigger

For VDC, we need reconstruction of dt-dr, as well as the spline correction terms. For cosmic ray, the whole view of long-term variation of the resolution without spline correction is as follows:

vdc history for cosmic ray before spline correction
VDC dt-dr production term division
run dt-dx(dy) reeference
69-90 69-90 sum
91-116 91-116 sum
117-141 117-141 sum
142-162 142-162 sum
163-188 163-188 sum
189-220 189-220 sum
221-240 221-240 sum
241-260 241-258 sum
261-278 261-278 sum
279-294 279-294 sum
295-306 295-306 sum

A whole view of the long-term variation of the VDC resolution with spline correction for cosmic ray. It has been pretty stabilized.

vdc history for cosmic ray after spline correction

A whole view of the long-term variation of the VDC resolution with spline correction for beam. Now, the tracking performance has been stabilized for 100 % of the E549 production.

long-term stability of the VDC resolution for beam after spline correction

PDC part

For PDC, we just apply current analysis program. The long-term variations of resolution and efficiency are shown below for production and K^+ run. After PA relative timing study, we will return back here.

pdc resolution pdc efficiency
RIKEN, Advanced Meson Science Lab.

Subjects to be done....

1. PDC relative rotation and position shift by pi scattering run (292).

2. ADC Pedestal,and TDC calibration for all scintillators.

3. T0 analysis. Slewing correction parameter determination by K and pi, and consistency or availablity check. Resolution study and gain adjustment, non-linearlity study. Definition of stopped K.T0-BLC track consistency.

4. PA-PB, NT analysis. Slewing correction parameter determination and gain tune by stopped K^+. TOF origin for PA-PB system. y vs Top-Bottom time difference for PB and NT. x vs Up-Down time ifference for PA.-> Fukuda

5. PA-retiming for PDC tracking, and introduction of PA-PDCtrack consistency.