Until the previous report, available run number for chamber tracking is 69 to 260. In order to extend it to include the last 15~20 %, CMS table modification, as well as re-construction of all dt-dx(dt-dr) for BLC and VDC has been required. The result of the work will be developed here.
For BLC, we may need reconstruction of dt-dx. From run 260, old dtdx suddenly becomes not to work well.
run 260 would be treated as junk. After run 261, we re-construct dtdx. The result is shown below. Now, the resolution is globally stable.
The term division to get above resolution variation for dt-dx usage is shown in the table below.
run | dt-dx(dy) reference |
69-81 | 91-116 sum |
82-87 | 69-90 sum |
88-122 | 91-116 sum |
123-126 | 117-141 sum |
127-132 | 91-116 sum |
133-142 | 117-141 sum |
143-156 | 142-162 sum |
157-171 | 91-116 sum |
172-178 | 163-188 sum |
179-240 | 91-116 sum |
241-258 | 241-258 sum |
261-268 | 261-278 sum |
269-273 | 269-273 sum |
274-278 | 261-278 sum |
279-296 | 282-296 sum |
297-306 | 261-278 sum |
Long-term variation of VDC tracking efficiency of beam-originated trigger for production and K^+ run. Tracking efficiency is fairly stable, excepting for several runs. A suden jump between run 121 and 122 is due to disconnection of VDC VETO from K*VTC*NTor trigger.
For VDC, we need reconstruction of dt-dr, as well as the spline correction terms. For cosmic ray, the whole view of long-term variation of the resolution without spline correction is as follows:
run | dt-dx(dy) reeference |
69-90 | 69-90 sum |
91-116 | 91-116 sum |
117-141 | 117-141 sum |
142-162 | 142-162 sum |
163-188 | 163-188 sum |
189-220 | 189-220 sum |
221-240 | 221-240 sum |
241-260 | 241-258 sum |
261-278 | 261-278 sum |
279-294 | 279-294 sum |
295-306 | 295-306 sum |
A whole view of the long-term variation of the VDC resolution with spline correction for cosmic ray. It has been pretty stabilized.
A whole view of the long-term variation of the VDC resolution with spline correction for beam. Now, the tracking performance has been stabilized for 100 % of the E549 production.
For PDC, we just apply current analysis program. The long-term variations of resolution and efficiency are shown below for production and K^+ run. After PA relative timing study, we will return back here.