J-PARC E73 Experiment

-- 3ΛH and 4ΛH mesonic weak decay lifetime measurement with 3,4He(K-, π0)3,4ΛH reaction --

Experimental Summary

The E73 experiment aims to directly measure the life time of hypertriton.


2018.7: proposal submitted to the 26th PAC meeting
2019.1: proposal updated for the 27th PAC meeting
2019.12: PbF2 detector test performed at the ELPH positron beam line
2020.1: porposal for test experiment submitted to the 29th PAC meeting and approved as T77
2020.6: T77 data-taking for ~3 days
2020.7: E73 got stage-1 approval in the 30th PAC meeting
2021.5: E73 first data-taking with helium-3 for ~5 days
2022.1: E73 got stage-2 approval in the 33rd PAC meeting


Proposal / PAC



Internal Articles (Collaborator Only)
