- Jagiellonian symposium (Krakow): Kenta Itahashi,
Experimental spectroscopy of pionic atoms in (d,3He) reactions and eta'-mesic nuclei in (p,d) reactions (招待講演)
π中間子原子、η′中間子原子核分光実 (シンポジウム講演)
MESON2016: Kenta Itahashi\\
Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms and chiral symmetry in nuclei\\
MIN16: Takahiro Nishi\\
Precision spectroscopy of deeply bound pionic states in tin at RIBF\\
CRC16 symposium: Kenta Itahashi\\
Probing the structure of the vacuum through spectroscopy of meson bound states in nuclei\\
71st Fujihara Seminar: Kenta Itahashi\\
Meson-nuclear bound states\\
MENU2016: Takahiro Nishi\\
Precision spectroscopy of deeply bound pionic states in 121, 116Sn\\