SDD Test Experiment at PSI

Diary ? (not report...)

29/Sep/2006    calibration : fit results (run29 full statistics)
29/Sep/2006    calibration : odd-even effect ?
28/Sep/2006    calibration : response function 2
28/Sep/2006    calibration : response function 1

19/Sep/2006    calibration : with 55Fe 1

14/Sep/2006    production : sigma & mean fixed 2 (contaminations)
14/Sep/2006    production : sigma & mean fixed 1 (only Cu)
13/Sep/2006    production : w/o Cu 3 (sigma fixed)
13/Sep/2006    production : w/o Cu 2 (full statistics)
13/Sep/2006    production : w/o Cu 1
13/Sep/2006    production : w/ Cu

11/Sep/2006    calibration : Cu contamination (run 23)
10/Sep/2006    calibration : Cu contamination (run 27)
10/Sep/2006    calibration : spectra of run23 and run27