Last updated : 27/Jan/2006

Calibration (fit sdd1 out)

The histograms corrected by the parameters (ev2ch and intercept) are fitted by 8 Gaussians and a quadratic background. A bin of the histograms is packed 10 eV. At the conversion from ch to eV, ch was transformed into a real number by adding the uniform random number (-0.5 to 0.5).

“ all ” means the correction by the fit value of all summed up histograms (red line of ev2ch figures).
“ part ” means the run part by run part correction.
“ part not5 ” means the run part by run part correction except for run part 5 because of low statistics.

“ Ti mean ” means Ti Kα1 mean fitting. The fit value is only Ti Kα1 mean, and other X-ray means are calculated from it.

Fit results of sdd1 out (Ti mean fitting).

Hist Ti Kα1 Mean [eV] Ti Kα1 Sigma [eV] χ² / ndf
all 4509.1±0.2 65.27±0.28 1.71
part 4509.1±0.2 64.55±0.28 1.57
part not5 4509.1±0.2 64.56±0.28 1.57

Figure 1
Figure 1: .

Figure 2
Figure 2: .

Figure 3
Figure 3: .

Figure 4
Figure 4: .

Figure 5
Figure 5: .

Figure 6
Figure 6: .

Figure 7
Figure 7: .

Figure 8
Figure 8: .

Figure 9
Figure 9: .