
KEK-PS E570 analysis page (Okada)

23/June/2007 Comparison between E570 and Baird(1983) [pdf]
18/June/2007 Estimation of the Compton scattering effect for calibration lines 2 -- with eliminating "others" -- [pdf]
18/June/2007 Fit results with "shelf function" for KHeX spectra -- Systematic error estimation -- [pdf(old)] [pdf(new)] reviced (29/June) new!
15/June/2007 Fit results with "shelf function" for calibration spectra -- Systematic error estimation -- [pdf(old)] [pdf(new)] reviced (29/June) new!
11/June/2007 Fit results of calibration spectra with Compton tail function for each calibration lines [pdf]
10/June/2007 Bug report (on KHeX fitting) [pdf]
09/June/2007 Estimation of the Compton scattering effect for calibration lines [pdf]
06/June/2007 Shift value with transition energies calculated by Koike [pdf]
29/May/2007 Systematic error estimation by fits with 4 free-parameter for the each transitions [pdf]
21/May/2007 Fit with free KHeX transition energies [pdf]
10/May/2007 Systematic error estimation [pdf]
09/May/2007 Comparison of the reference energies referred from XDB and NIST database [pdf]
Anaysis of PSI exp. data 6 - fit with a response function considering Tail and Pileup effects [pdf]
Anaysis of PSI exp. data 5 - using the x-ray energies referred from NIST database [pdf]
25/Apr/2007 E570 Analysis Summary -- toward publication (letter paper) -- [pdf]
20/Apr/2007 K-He X-ray spectra fitting and the systematic error estimation [pdf]
19/Mar/2007 Delayed component on TDC spectrum [pdf]
05/Feb/2007 Timing cut study [pdf] revised (13/Feb)
29/Jan/2007 Remaining problem for E570 analysis [pdf]
09/Jan/2007 Anaysis of PSI exp. data 1 - Check the validity of the energy scale - [pdf] revised (01/Feb)
Anaysis of PSI exp. data 2 - fit with Fe Kalpha mean free - [pdf] revised (01/Feb)
Anaysis of PSI exp. data 3 - FFT analysis - [pdf]
30/Oct/2006 Local fit 1 - Fit stability check - [pdf, key.tar.gz]
Local fit 2 - Validity of the natural width - [pdf, key.tar.gz]
Local fit 3 - Fit results for each SDD's spectrum - [pdf, key.tar.gz]
27/Oct/2006 Errata for cycle2 fit retults (Fano & ConstNoise) [pdf, key.tar.gz]
6/Oct/2006 T0 ADC vs. Z vertex cut (revised version) [pdf, key.tar.gz] [parameter files]
old version [pdf, key.tar.gz]
04/Sep/2006 Short summary of a SDD test experiment at PSI [pdf, key.tar.gz]
18/July/2006 Fit results with new timing (TDC) cut [pdf, key.tar.gz]
Fit stability for fiducial volume cut [pdf, key.tar.gz]
14/July/2006 SDD Slewing correction [pdf, key.tar.gz]
SDD Slewing correction for TDC3 (lower threshold) [pdf, key.tar.gz]
13/July/2006 New Fout cut [pdf, key.tar.gz]
10/July/2006 Fit retults for vertex cut events of cycle 1 and 2 [pdf, key.tar.gz]
Errata (2) for a report of June 16 [pdf, key.tar.gz]
5/July/2006 SDD response function measurement (what it takes to perform the experiment) [pdf, key.tar.gz]
21/June/2006 Errata (1) for a report of June 16 [pdf, key.tar.gz]
16/June/2006 Fit result with fixed Fano factor & Delta(v) and
Study of summing up of each SDD spectra for 2nd cycle
[pdf, key.tar.gz] (revised version, 10/July)
28/May/2006 Preliminary energy spectra for 2nd cycle (w/ condence data) [pdf, key.tar.gz]
19/May/2006 E549 trigger analysis w/ condense data for 2nd cycle [pdf, key.tar.gz]
3/Apr/2006 About self trigger analysis [pdf, ppt]
FFT analysis [pdf, ppt]
Time resolution [pdf, ppt]
6/Mar/2006 FOUT vs. OUT correlation cut [pdf, ppt]
7/Feb/2006 Pedestal stability (Wilkinson-type ADC) [pdf, ppt]
Stability of pedestal and fited Ti, Ni Ka1 mean [pdf, ppt]
Stability of strange peak above the pedestal [pdf, ppt]
30/Jan/2006 FOUT vs. OUT correlation [pdf, ppt]
Pedestal stability (Comparator-type ADC) [pdf, ppt]
23/Jan/2006 Pulser gain stability [pdf, ppt]


4/Aug/2006 Cause of double lines on '1/beta vs ADC' correlation spectra for neutron events [pdf, key.tar.gz]