Brief description of the source codes.


 branches.dat      - parameters for branch etc. (input file)


 knucl.f          - main routine

 knucl_io.f       - read input file (branches.dat), normalize,

                          and output run condition

 knucl_hist.f      - histogram definition and output file


 knucl_setup.f     - definition of apparatus and simulate kaon beam


 knucl_trigger.f    - simulate hardware trigger

 knucl_stack.f     - stack for produced particles

 knucl_reaction.f   - control KN reaction

 knucl_mono.f    - simulate Knucl and Hypernucleus production

 knucl_QF.f      - simulate Quasi-Free Process

 knucl_2N.f      - simulate none-mesonic kaon absorption

 knucl_Ydecay.f   - simulate hyperon decay


 kinematics.f      - rubroutine for kinematics

 leps.f           - Low energy particle simulator (LEPS similer to GEANT)

 td_hist.f         - Histograming package for TopDrawer


 random.f        - random number generator


 dedx.f          - interactive de/dx calculation package

 testp.f          - program test