DAQ memo for S214
Torch part
Data flow chart
GTBC cable
[ r3-8 ] <--- [ CAMAC crate 1 ] --- [ CAMAC crate 2 ] --- [ CAMAC crate 3 ]
|| ethernet
[ x86-11 ] ==> tape
[ lxg1015 or similar ] (remote event server)
[ kcpc41 ] (analyzer)
How to start
1. login r3-8.gsi.de (RIO3 DAQ processor) with profi account
2. change dir from home (/frs/usr/profi) to (/frs/usr/profi/mbsrun/run118)
R3-8 profi> cd mbsrun/run118
3. reset the DAQ if necessary
R3-8 profi> remreset
4. check if ready
R3-8 profi> net600
repeat until this commands show nothing
5. start DAQ controller process
R3-8 profi> prm
6. execute startup script (startup.scom)
R3-8> @startup
7. start DAQ cycle
R3-8> start acq
How to stop
1. in the DAQ controller process (R3-8> prompt)
stop DAQ cycle
R3-8> stop acq
2. (If online analysis is running stop it with Ctrl-C.)
3. (If remote event server is running stop it with Ctrl-C )
4. execute shutdown script
R3-8> @shutdown
5. exit from DAQ controller process
R3-8> exit
R3-8 profi> prompt will be back now.
How to reset
1. (If online analysis is running stop it with Ctrl-C.)
2. (If remote event server is running stop it with Ctrl-C )
3. If you are in the DAQ controller process, exit by control-C
4. From the shell (R3-8 profi> prompt), reset the DAQ
R3-8 profi> remreset
5. Repeat checking the status of network port with the command
R3-8 profi> net600
until you don't see any message
If this takes too long time, simply reset by hardware switch.
How to write on tape
to be written
How to check the DAQ status
1. In the DAQ controller process (R3-8> prompt),
move the controll to the data builder [ x86-11 ]
R3-8> @x
then the prompt becomes x86-11>
2. To check the event data structure
x86-11> ty ev -v
x86-11> ty ev -v 5
3. To check the acquisition status
x86-11> show acq
4. To return the control back to r3-8,
X86-11> @r
5. To check the DAQ rate continuously,
login x86-11 with profi account. And then,
X86-11 profi> rate
How to start the online analysis program
1. login lxg1015 (or some machine) with profi account
2. start the remote event server
lxg1015 profi> mrevservnew x86-11
3. login kcpc41 with oper account
4. change directory from home (/home/oper) to /home/oper/run118/online
oper@kcpc39% cd run118/online
5. start the online analysis program (depending on your purpose)
to make dump of data
oper@kcpc39% dump -e 10 lxg1015
to make analysis of the TMC module
oper@kcpc39% tmc -e 100000 lxg1015
To change readout list you should change dir. to
then first look into f_user.c
then you can find include statement for
cr1_tr1.c or cr1_init.c or whatever.
to make executable
make clean
cp m_read_meb ..
If you want to change the DAQ1 to read FRS standard from Torch,
please stop DAQ and then change working dir. to ../r118-daq0.
Then go to the NIM rack and please find a TRIVA blue trigger module
in a VME crate for DAQ1. Then trace the two ribbon (flat) cables and
find two NIM-ECL modules. Change them to FRS standard modules.