Today's Progress 18. Aug. 2009

Generalized acceptance of Λp/Λn spectra

Here we try to establish the acceptance correction of ΛN spectra, for case1-topological result. Its proceeds stepwise -

1. Evaluate the 3-variable acceptance matrix.

2. Examine the general availability of the matrix with Monte-Carlo data for various reactions.

3. Apply the matrix to the real data.

Here, we exhibit the steps 1,2 and the final results are shown in the next report. First of all, the conditions to evaluate the matrix are tabulatted below.

Conditions of the Monte-Carlo.

software GEANT3.21 (with tracking parameters optimized to lower energy)
generated particles Λ + N (simulated independently)
dynamics (matrix evaluation, Λ/N momenta)Uniform on (280.,720.)(N)/(280.,720.)(Λ) MeV/c
dynamics (matrix evaluation, cos(ΛN) ) Uniform on (-1.,-0.6)
dynamics (matrix evaluation, orientation ) Uniform on (-0.45,0.45),(0.,0.15π/0,85π,1.15π/1.85π,2&pi),(0,2π) for cosα,β,γ
dynamics(dummy data) Λn ; K-+4He->2S0 +d,2S0 +p+n follwed by 2S0 -> Y0n, and 3S++n follwed by 3S+-> Y0d,Y0pn
dynamics(dummy data) Λp ; K-+4He->2S+ +n + n follwed by 2S0 -> Y0p, and 3S0+p follwed by 3S0-> Y0nn
generated event number 1.0*1010
target center (-0.3,0.,1.3):E549
x/y generation point distribution 4.0 cm sigma Gaussian centered at (x,y)=(-0.3,0.)
z generation point distribution uniform
multiple scattering on(Moliere)
energy loss straggling on(Gauss/Landau/Vavilov are internally selected adequately)
nuclear reaction of n/p/π n is treated by FLUKA+MICAP. Other ones are by GHEISHA.
coincidense time gate for PA-PB 45 nsec
Birk's coefficient for plastic scintillator 0.013/(MeV/cm)
energy resolution of scintillators infinite
time resolution of PA/PB for p 60(PA)/80(PB) psec
T0-NC convoluted time resolution for n 220 psec
time resolution of TC_B for π 250 psec
analysis inefficiency for p/n/&pi selectionp:properly simulated(1/βVS EPB+ENT) /n: neglected (software threshold , 3 MeVee, is taken into account) / &pi:neglected(VDC+TC_B hits are just required)
analysis inefficiency for p/&pi energy correctionsimulated with exact reaction/&Lambda-decay vertices, direction cosines on PDC/VDC.
analysis inefficiency for &Lambda reconstructionsimulated with realistic Mp&pi gate, 1108.~1124. MeV/c2.
bin widths 10 MeV/c for p&Lambda and pN, 0.025 for cos&theta&Lambda N,10 MeV/c2 for M&Lambda N and M3S


  • Λp results
  • Λn results