We modify the Iwasaki's LEPS energy-loss correction code originally prepared dedicated to E471 proton measurement to relevant form to E549. The Iwasaki's correction procedure after E549-dedicated modification is as follows:
0. Prepare the virtual setup, in which protons are transported, to be identical to the realistic one.
1. Reaction vertex (BLC-PDC detected), direction vector of proton motion (PDC-detected), and PAPB-detected TOF are inputted.
2. Simulate the proton emission with given generation point and direction vector of motion. Search for the momentum value by which inputted PAPB-TOF is reproduced within an accuracy. The momentum value is indeed the corrected momentum.
3. Simulate the TOF from the generation to PA with the corrected momentum.
On the Monte-Carlo, we simulate
A. TOF from PA to PB,
B. TOF from the proton creation to PA,
and they are recorded withC. Generation point (exact value),
D. Direction vector of proton motion (at the creation - i.e. exact value) ,
E. Momentum at the generation.
We generate proton events from 180 to 720 MeV/c with the uniform distribution on the unit sphere about the initial motion. Inputting A, C, and D, we get expectation values for B and E by the correction code (B' and E'). Comparing them to the exact ones, we can study the performance of the energy loss correction. The conditions of the Monte-Carlo are tablatted below.set 1 | set 2 | set 3/4 | |
momentum range | 180-720 (MeV/c) | 180-720 (MeV/c) | 180-720 (MeV/c) |
momentum distribution | uniform | uniform | uniform |
angler distribution | uniform on unit sphare | uniform on unit sphare | uniform on unit sphare |
x/y generation point distribution | 4.0 cm sigma Gaussian | 4.0 cm sigma Gaussian | 4.0 cm sigma Gaussian |
z generation point distribution | uniform | uniform | uniform |
multiple scattering | on(Moliere) | on(Moliere) | on(Moliere) |
energy loss straggling | on(Gauss/Landau/Vavilov) | on(Gauss/Landau/Vavilov) | on(Vavilov) |
PA resolution | 0 psec | 60 psec (Gaussian responce) | 0/60 psec |
PB resolution | 0 psec | 80 psec (Gaussian responce) | 0/80 psec |
software | GEANT 3.21 | GEANT 3.21 | LEPS(g77 compilation) |
1. No PB hit on the correction due to the absence of the multiple scattering process (2.6 %),
2. No PA hit on the correction due to the absence of the multiple scattering process (0.7 %),
3. Large angle scattering inside the target system on the dummy data (0.03 %).
The resulting correction efficiency was 96.6 % for the dummy data set 1.Substantial deviation was found for lower momentum side, especially penetrating larger amount of material. For the event over 500 MeV/c, systematic difference is around 2 ~ 3 psec, which is accurate enough. The origin of the difference may be attributed to the difference of the behaviour of the simulaters (LEPS and GEANT3.21) for the low-momentum region. To confirm the hypothesis, data set 3 has been produced and now examined.
Saying conclusion firstly, energy-loss correction works completely for LEPS-originated dummy data .Delta p = p_gen_calc - p_gen ,
andDelta M = M(p_gen_calc) - M(p_gen) ,
where M(p) is the missing mass expression as the function of proton momentum. The resulting momentum/missing mass resolution with 0/100 psec TOF resolution is shown below. It is dominated by the statistical future of the energy loss up to 400 MeV/c, while it is dominated by the TOF uncertainty at the region over 450 MeV/c. The broadenning of the TOFsec is ~ 20psec by sigma for proton with 1/beta smaller than ~ 2.0 .