Reproductions of spectra from various processes

Three-body phase space (&Lambda d n)
&Lambda d from &Lambda d n events (phase space)
Three-body phase space (&Sigma0 d n)
&Lambda d from &Sigma0 d n events (phase space)
2S0->&Lambda n
&Lambda d from X0 d ->(&Lambda n) d events
2S0->&Sigma0 n
&Lambda d from X0 d->(&Sigma0 n) d ->(&Lambda &gamma n) d events
3S+->&Lambda d
&Lambda d from S+ ->&Lambda d events
3S+->&Sigma0 d
&Lambda d from S+ ->&Sigma0 d ->(&Lambda &gamma) d events

Efficiency of energy loss correction and Λ mass reconstraction

Here, inefficiencies by energy loss correction and &Lambda mass reconstraction are tabulatted, estimated by 2.5*108 &Lambda d event generation (mesured event number:414983 events).

Particle ID Energy loss correction (number/%) (A) Λ mass gate(1108.,1124.) MeV/c2 (number/%) (B) A.AND.B (number/%)
d 407093/98.10 - 361649/87.15
p (from Λ) 390365/94.07 368635/88.83 -
π (from Λ) 399730/96.33 - -
p .AND. &pi 390362/94.07 - -

It should be noted that the efficiency is expected to depend moderately on Pd, P&Lambda, and cos(Λd) - and the table just show an possible averaged values. The dependence is properly taken into account in the acceptance matrix, as the acceptance is evaluated bin-by-bin, taking the dependence into account.

Reconstracted pπ- invariant mass and the definition of Λ.