Today's Progress 7. Dec. 2007

A search for 4&LambdaHe -> tp decay

Here, we search for

4&LambdaHe -> t+p(~509MeV/c) (2)

decay channel on proton momentum spectrum, with two/three analysis methods as listed below:

1. X on PDC/PA + p on PDC/PA/PB coincidence events. Only track information of particle X is used.

1'. X on PDC/PA + p on PDC/PA/PB coincidence events. PA(L)-PA(R) TOF and Energy loss on PA is studied.

2. Inclusive p on PDC/PA/PB events, with delayed event selection with T0-PA TOF.

The acceptance study is already done in advance, and all spectra are presented by E549+E570 100% statistics.

The result of the method 1

In this case, Energy/TOF/PID are not generally available for particle X fired only PDC/PA without PB, and only the track information on PDC is used for the event selection for the proton momentum spectrum. In this case, particle X is not generally stopped one - they tend to have so large incident angle to PA/PDC, that they cannot fire PB wall.

Distrobution of fired PA segment at the opposite arm (red spectrum). For the comparison, the distribution from normal p on PB- X on PB events are overlayed by black.
Distribution of particle hit postion on PA at the opposite arm. The events are thick at the Y-edge.
Opening angle between proton and X (red). For the comparison, the distribution from normal p on PB- X on PB events are overlayed by black.
cos(pX)-selected proton momentum spectra. Black:cos(pX).le.-0.99 Red:cos(pX).le.-0.995

The result of the method 2

By requiring large delay, we expect to enhance following processes:

1. Nuclear reactions occured from meta-stable atomic orbit, with 4.2(all)-3.5(free decay) ~0.7 %/stoped K-

2. Decay of hypernuclei, 4&LambdaH and 4&LambdaHe, with 0.9 +1.8=2.7%/stopped K^-.

As the time difference be so large, S/N ratio gets smaller. We examine the inclusive spectrum under various gate conditions, 0.4~0.8,0.8~1.2,1.2~1.6,1.6~2.0, and >2.0. No clear signal is seen.


Preparation for method 1'

To examine methid 1', we need to study and solve possible gain fluctuation and non-linearity of PA conters. Before that, several impressive correlations between 1/&beta and pulse height on PA are shown with a portion of E570 data.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS pulse height on PA.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS pulse height on PA for proton identified by PB+NT.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS pulse height on PA for &pi identified by PB+NT.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS pulse height on PA for deuteron identified by PB+NT. The contamination by C(in-flight &pi,d)X reaction is visible.
A correlation between 1/&beta by T0-PA VS pulse height on PA for PAstop events. Stopped proton are clearly seen now. Deuteron/triton components are unclear.

Gain and Non-linearity

The pulse height-energy convertion function is generally given by the following procedure:

1. Simulate the expected energy loss on PA as the function of 1/&beta of proton. Peak position by K-stopped->&mu- &nu decay is also simulated. The results are tabulatted below.

dE/dx simulated for &mu+ and proton

incident particle Normalized light output (MeVee/0.8cm)
&mu+(235 MeV/c at the generation)1.307(Landau fit)
p(2.4<1/&beta<2.6) 409.9 MeV/c at the exit5.308(Gaussian fit)
p(4.4<1/&beta<3.6) 280.0 MeV/c at the exit8.247(Gaussian fit)
p(4.4<1/&beta<4.6) 214.1 MeV/c at the exit10.534(Gaussian fit)
p(5.4<1/&beta<5.6) 173.7 MeV/c at the exit12.058(Gaussian fit)
p(6.4<1/&beta<6.6) 146.2 MeV/c at the exit12.970(Gaussian fit)

2. By plotting simulated energies (MeVee) as the function of detected sqrt(phL*phR) for sample 1/&beta points and fitting by relevant functions, we obtain segment-by-segment sqrt(phL*phR) to energy (MeVee) convertion function, fi(E), as


where i is the PA segment ID (i=1~8 for L and R). The procedure is quite similar to that adopted for T0. The fi are determined cycle-by-cycle near the K+ calibration runs, then the part-by-part gain walk is considered as described nextly.
Fitted conversion function for Larm ID4 at 1st cycle.It is shown as an example.

Gain walk

Run-by-run gain is checked by proton with 1/&beta within (3.4,3.6). We check the time-variation of the dE/dx defined as

dE/dx=pdcv_x*sqrt(phL*phR) (ADCch/0.8cm),

where pdcv_x is the direction cosine of proton measured by PDC.
Part-by-part center of dE/dx as defined above.

Part-by-part gain variation is then considered. The convertion function for part Npart is defined as

fi(Npart,ph) = fi(ph')

, where ph' is defined as

ph' = ph*(ph_0/ph_Npart).

where fi(ph) is conversion function determied at the part including the K+ calibration run (part 13+14/24+25 for E570 1st/2nd cycles, respectively), ph_0 is the peak position of pulse height for the specific part, ph_Npart is the peak position of pulse height for the part where we intend to convert the pulse height into the light output, and ph is measured pulse height value.

PID and PA-PA TOF for the decay search

In order to avoid large ambiguity of T0-PA TOF for delayed events, like meta-stable or hyper-nuclear decay events, we introduce PA-PA TOF, as

TOF(X:PA-PA) = Time(X:PA)-{Time(p/&pi:PA)-TOF(p/&pi:PA)},

where Time(X:PA) is PA-defined time of particle X, Time(p/&pi:PA) is PA-defined time of counter-detected p/&pi, and TOF(p/&pi:PA) is calculated TOF of p/&pi from its generation until reaching the PA surfice. For stopping particle X on PA, the TOF is always well-defined, since counter-detected particle is always imposed. Adopting the PA-PA TOF, we expect more clean correlation between light output and 1/&beta both determined only with PA. The final form of the PID is presented nextly.

PID in the final form

As the non-linearity and gain variation has been solved, now we check the correlaton between 1/&beta and PA-measured light output.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS light output on PA.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS light output on PA for proton identified by PB+NT.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS light output on PA for &pi identified by PB+NT.
Correlations between 1/&beta VS light output on PA for deuteron identified by PB+NT. The contamination by C(in-flight &pi/p,d)X reaction is clearly visible.
A correlation between 1/&beta by T0-PA VS light output on PA for PAstop events. Stopped proton is clearly seen now. Stopping deuteron and triton components are not clearly separable.
A simulated correlation between 1/&beta by T0-PA VS light output on PA for hyper nuclear twobody decay. Triton component is seen at the most right side.
A correlation between 1/&beta by T0-PA VS light output on PA for PA stop events with backward proton. Events are dominated by &pi and stopping proton.
A correlation between 1/&beta by PA-PA VS light output on PA for PA stop events with backward proton. Triton component is now seen at the most right side.
Distribution of cos(tp). p is measured by PDC-PA-PB, and t is by PDC-PA.
Proton momentum under t on PA + p coincidence condition. No peak is seen at 509 MeV/c.