Today's Progress 26. June. 2007

Study of DAQ-related quantities by VME scalers : E570

Summary of the E570 DAQ durations

Here, the summary of the E570 experiment is shown, based on the VME scaler data recorded as footer for every UNIDAQ event.

Scaler-related bugs

Scaler channel map on E570 experiment is given below.

channel/SCALER ID(address) 0(0x8000) 1(0x9000)
0 - (SDD related) K5TM/10
1 - (SDD related) EP1 SEC
2 - (SDD related) K5 SEC
3 - (SDD related) K beam logic/f :A
4 Unbiased Trigger (A.OR.B.OR.C)&pi beam logic/999
5 Accept Kstop logic
6 Spill Kstop*Charged logic :B
7 100 Hz Clock Kstop*VTC*bar(VVC) logic :C

Investigated bugs are listed below:

  • The VME scaler ID1 data are not recorded until run 51. From run52, they are available.
  • The VME scaler ID0/1 data are broken from run 64(when scaler ID2 is added) until run 85.
  • K5TM - Not taken up to run 173.
  • 100 Hz Clock - Broken from run 86 until the end.
  • Kstop logic - Not recorded from run67 until the end.
  • At run 417/436, VME scaler ID 0/1 information is broken.
  • (NOT VME but..) Preset scaler to give scaling factor f for K beam logic (A) is not working properly during the E570 1st cycle.
  • Therefore,

    1. Kaon incident beam number is inaccurate for cycle 1 due to preset scaler trouble.

    2. The realistic DAQ time duration is not measured by 100 Hz clock, but by spill number.

    3. Logic-by-logic DAQ efficiency is defined by total recorded trigger number divided by total logic number. Recorded trigger number is counted referring to the TDC register value.

    4. Numerical estimation of 1/2/3 are possible from run 86 to 368 (1st cycle) and from 418 to 583 (2nd cycle). The 436 is eliminated from the cycle2 statistics.

    Run-by-run stability

    Run-by-run stability of primary beam represented by SEC(Second Ionization Chamber) counts.
    K/pi beam intensity normalizad by EP1/K5 SEC counts (top) and spill number (bottom). Several jumps are seen on pibeam/K5sec, at run155 (just after 4 shifts beam off),run228 (just after polality change),and run308 (just after a lot of Main Ring RF down.).
    Averaged trigger number per spill.
    Trigger number per K5 sec.
    DAQ live time rate for each of triggers.

    Summary Table of E570 1st Cycle Data Acquisition

    Note that K beam counts are not reliable, and all numerical values are derived from the value accumulated from run 86 up to 368, actually.
    quantities/polarity +(run225~226) -(run31~368)
    DAQ duration (min/hour/day) 182.8/3.0/0.13 27704.5/461.7/19.24
    EP1 SEC 1608163 228817776
    K5 SEC 1235935 177807397
    Unbiased trigger number (beam originated) 4036882 368927500
    Accepted trigger number (beam originated) 2878597 279234828
    Overall DAQ live time rate(Accepted/Unbiased) 71.31% 75.69%
    K beam logic counts 89.1M 1638.6M
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kbeam/f trigger 1.153M/1.485M=77.62% 4.170M/5.481M=76.09%
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kstop-Charged trigger 1.759M/2.595M=67.78% 34.71M/45.52M=76.26%
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kstop-VTC-bar(VVC) trigger - 248.0M/326.2M=76.03%

    Summary Table of E570 2nd Cycle Data Acquisition

    Note that the values from run417/436 are eliminated from the statistics.
    quantities/polarity +(run412~413) -(run417~583)
    DAQ duration (min/hour/day) 199.9/3.3/0.14 15659.9/261.0/10.74
    EP1 SEC 1703855 133066692
    K5 SEC 1288348 99141884
    Unbiased trigger number (beam originated) 4157218 184453664
    Accepted trigger number (beam originated) 2922998 140068278
    Overall DAQ live time rate(Accepted/Unbiased) 70.31% 75.94%
    K beam logic counts 92.0M 1106.7M
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kbeam/f trigger 1.162M/1.534M=75.74% 2.110M/2.767M=76.25%
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kstop-Charged trigger 1.794M/2.666M=67.28% 16.66M/21.91M=76.03%
    Number of accepted/unbiased Kstop-VTC-bar(VVC)trigger - 125.0M/164.5M=75.97%