Today's Progress 20. June. 2007

Deuteron spectra/Yd correlation analysis (1)

Identification of deuterons

Enlarged cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm correlations between 1/&beta and total light output are shown below. The proton component is eliminated to make deuteron component more clear on the plot. The deuteron component appears around 1/&beta 2.8~8.0. The triton component is barely seen.

The deuteron ID function is defined cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm as done for proton. A 6 order polinomial (7 parameters) is adopted to fit the light output as the function of 1/&beta globally.

Then, deuteron ID function is defined as

PID= T.E(PB/NT) - f(1/&beta(PA-PB)) (MeVee).

In order to select the 'deuteron' by 1/&beta-dependent way, we introduce a phenomenological function, g(1/&beta) as the straight line passing through two points (1/&beta, PID) = (8.0, 0.),(2.0, 10.),

g(1/&beta) -0.0= (0.0-10.0)/(8.0-2.0)*(1/&beta-8.0).

Then, we define the 'deuteron' events by the condition,

|PID| < g(1/&beta).

PID vs 1/&beta . Deuterons are selected at 2.8~8.0 1/&beta region.

4He(stopped K-,d) inclusive/coincidence spectrum

Cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm deuteron 1/&beta spectra are shown below.
1/&beta spectra of deuteron.
Inclusive spectra

Deuteron inclusive momentum/4He(stopped K-, d)X0 missing mass spectra are shown below. In principle, they can be normalized to "percent of stopped K-" unit as was done for proton. Physical limits of the momentum/missing mass are ~760 MeV/c / 2055 MeV/c2, and we see non-negligible high-momentum background due to particle miss-identification.

Cycle-by-cycle deuteron momentum spactra.
Cycle-by-cycle missing mass spectra.

Inclusive spectra with full statistics

Coincidence spectra

Below, deuteron spectra are presented under various coincidence conditions. The conditions are:

1. &pi on TC

2. p on TC

3. n(3MeVee) on TC

4. &pi on NT (d-&pi back-to-back)

5. p on NT (d-p back-to-back)

6. n(3MeVee) on NT (d-n back-to-back)

Variable definition is as follows:

deuteron 4-momentum pd(0:3)/3-momentum p'd(3):pd(i)=p'd(i) (i=1,2,3), pd(0)=sqrt(Md2+|p'd|2),

Nucleon 4-momentum pN(0:3)/3-momentum p'N(3):pN(i)=p'N(i) (i=1,2,3), pN(0)=sqrt(MN2+|p'N2|)


Nd total 3-momentum Ptot:sqrt((pd(1)+pN(1))2+(pd(2)+pN(2))2+(pd(3)+pN(3))2)

Nd total energy Etot:pd(0)+pN(0)

4He(stopped K-,Nd)Y-/0 missing mass Mmiss:sqrt((M4He+MK--Etot)2-Ptot2)

d&Lambda correlation - principle

By using &Lambda d pair detected simultaneously, we can study the final state

K- + 4He -> &Lambda + n + d.

Even if we detect &Lambda and d simultaneously, the final state can be contaminated by

K- + 4He -> &Lambda + p + &pi- + d,

K- + 4He -> &Lambda + n + &pi0 + d,


K- + 4He -> &Sigma0(&Lambda&gamma) + n + d,

K- + 4He -> &Sigma0(&Lambda&gamma) + p + &pi- + d,

K- + 4He -> &Sigma0(&Lambda&gamma) + n + &pi0 + d.

The pionic final states are very difficult to be detected due to the small reaction Q-values. All of the contaminants can be eliminated by imposing 4He(stopped K-, d&Lambda)X missing mass being neutron mass.

This final state is considered to include possible 3 subcomponents, as

K- + "pn" -> &Lambda + n + d (1:"2"-nucleon absorption &Lambda n d branch),

K- + 4He -> S+ + n, S+->&Lambda + d (2:S+ tribaryon production and its &Lambda d decay),

K- + 4He -> X0 + d, X0->&Lambda + n (3:X0 dibaryon production and its &Lambda n decay).

Very unfortunately, they cannot discriminated by purely kinematical consideration, and we do need some dynamics. For example, the relationship between d&Lambda invariant mass,Md&Lambda, and d&Lambda total 3-momentum, vec(ptotal)=vec(pd)+vec(p&Lambda), is as below:

(Md&Lambda)2 = (pd+p&Lambda)2 = (Ed+E&Lambda)2 - (vec(pd)+vec(p&Lambda))2=(Einit-En)2 - |vec(ptotal)|2

=(Einit-sqrt(mn2+|vec(pn)|2))2 - |vec(ptotal)|2=(Einit-sqrt(mn2+|vec(ptotal)|2))2 - |vec(ptotal)|2

where the conservation of 4-momentum,



have been assumed.

Note that it is already known from &Lambda n correlation analysis that the process 1 does not produce a deuteron over 300 MeV/c, and it makes a broad peak at 3070 MeV/c^2 if the deuteron could be detected.

Event topologies

In order to examine them, we develop &Lambda d correlation analysis here. The conditions are as follows:
  • The deuteron is identified by 1/&beta VS total energy on PB-NT.
  • The decay products of &Lambda are detected by TC and PB-NT.
  • Hence, possible event topology is limited within following two.

    Identification of &Lambda in coincidence with a deuteron

    As was already described, the &Lambda definition is Minv within (1108.,1124.)/(1111.,1121.)
    p&pi invariant mass spectra from case1(top)/case2(bottom) topological events. E549+E570 100% statistics are accumulated. The red is TOF/energy correction with reaction vertex, while the black is TOF/energy correction with decay vertex.
    p&pi invariant mass spectra from case1(top)/case2(bottom) topological events. E549+E570 100% statistics are accumulated. The red is when the decay vertex is shifted towards the motion of &Lambda candidate, while the shit is toward the opposite side for the green.

    To identify the &Lambda particle, we impose positive shift and p&pi invariant mass within (1108.,1124.)/(1111.,1121.) for case1/2, respectively.

    &Lambda d correlation

  • case1 result
  • case2 result
  • Translated Yd correlation

    In the dn/dp back-to-back coincidence spectrum, we have successfully reconstructed &Lambda0/&Sigma- hyperons. They do mean that we have identified the final states,

    K- + 4He -> &Lambda + n + d

    , and

    K- + 4He -> &Sigma- + p + d

    . Then, it is possible to introduce hyperon 3-momentum pY(1:3) and Mmiss being defined by



    , and treat them as hyperon 3-momentum and Yd invariant mass. The &Lambda/&Sigma- are defined as

    pn.le.400 MeV/c .AND. 4He(stopped K-,dn)Y0 mass within (1100.,1150.) MeV/c2:&Sigma-

    4He(stopped K-,dp)Y- mass within (1180.,1220.) MeV/c2:&Lambda

  • &Lambda d result from dn back-to-back events
  • &Sigma- d result from dp back-to-back events