Today's Progress 12. June. 2007

&Sigma reconstruction/&Sigma N correlation analysis:E570

&Sigma reconstruction

Cycle-by-cycle results for &Sigma reconstruction are obtained from the links following:
  • Cycle1 result
  • Cycle2 result
  • &Sigma N correlation analysis

    &Sigma N event statistics for E570 cycles. For the primary neutron, selection A means the neutron detection software threshold (3~5 MeVee) and 1/&beta selection (1.6-7.0~9.0) to define physical neutron. For the primary proton, it is defined by successfull energy loss correction with 'reaction vertex' and layer B hit if the proton is measured on TC. Selection B is defined by the elimination of unhealthy PB counter hit(nothing for 1st cycle, R-15 for 2nd second cycle).
    YN pair(dibaryon/tribaryon channel) case ID(Selection) Angler acceptance PA/PB/NT particle TC particle No. of reconstructed &Sigma No. of event after ANo. of event after B (yield of &Sigma N pair with well-defined momenta)
    &Sigma-p(X0/S0) 1(C-b-1-x/A-b-3-x) 180+-30n+p&pi1639/654 1581/632 1581/620
    &Sigma-p(X0/S0) 1(C-b-x-1') 90+-45n&pi+p2208/1071 1620/752 1620/752
    &Sigma+-n(X+/S+)1(C-b-3-x) 180+-30n+n&pi1584/715 1017/457 1017/457
    &Sigma+-n(X+/S+)1(C-b-x-3') 90+-45n&pi+n1152/537 1152/537 1152/537
    &Sigma-p(X0/S0) 2(B-c-1-x) 90+-45&pi+pn296/127 280/119 280/110
    &Sigma-p(X0/S0) 2(B-c-x-1'/B-a-x-3')180+-45&pin+p1759/689 1535/602 1535/586
    &Sigma+-n(X+/S+)2(B-c-3-x) 90+-45&pi+nn484/168 484/168 484/164
    &Sigma+-n(X+/S+)2(B-c-x-3')180+-45&pin+n485/189 485/189 485/185
    &Sigma-p(X0/S0) 3(B-a-3-x) 90+-45&pi+np1063/415 723/291 723/281
    &Sigma+-n(X+/S+)3(B-c-3-x) 90+-45&pi+nn1368/517 1368/517 1368/509
    The results are exhibitted below for all event topologies:
  • &Sigma case 1 p 180degree
  • &Sigma case 1 p 90degree
  • &Sigma case 1 n 180degree
  • &Sigma case 1 n 90degree
  • &Sigma case 2 p 90degree
  • &Sigma case 2 p 180degree
  • &Sigma case 2 n 90degree
  • &Sigma case 2 n 180degree
  • &Sigma case 3 p 90degree
  • &Sigma case 3 n 90degree