Today's Progress 18. May. 2007

Fine tune of NT slewing correction function with (stopped K-, X+-&gamma) events : E570

Part-by-part study of offset on time diff-to-y conversion function with (stopped K-, X+-) events

Since it is now very important to know the direction of neutron motion exectly related to YN correlation analysis, we check the TDC top-bottom difference to y position conversion function part-by-part, by using charged events, although, the improvement of neutron momentum resolution is expected to be tiny.

The conversion function, Y(T) is defined as a linear function of the Top-Bottom difference, T(T-B):

Y(T) = a * T(T-B) + b,

where a and b are determined to fulfill the relationship,

Y(PDC) = a * T(T-B) + b,

where X(PDC) is the PDC-detected y position on the NT segment. Note that the slope, a, is the half of the effective light velocity inside the segment. The convertion function is once defined for stopped K+ run, and the stability is checked segment-by-segment part-by-part below.
Part-by-part segment-by-segment check of Time diff to y conversion function.

For several counters, position offset originates from the time walk is considerable, so that we introduce the part-by-part position correcation term, and define y on NT segment i by

Yi(T) = (ai * Ti(T-B) bi) - ci(idpart),

where ci is defined by the part-by-part Gaussian center of the distribution of Y(T)-Y(PDC) as plotted above.

Fine tune of NT slewing correction function with (stopped K-, X+-&gamma) events

Adopting the updated time difference to y conversion function, we study the time residual from (stopped K-, X+-&gamma) events here.


For the 100% production runs, we study the time residual,

deltaT(T0->NT) = Tnt - Tt0 -TOFkstop-TOF&gamma ,

for neutral particles. Firstly, charged-particle-defined Tnt is examined.

Result with Kmu2-defined correction functions

T0->NT 1/beta resolution defined as the Gaussian &sigma to fit the peak of Compton-like &gamma when Kmu2-determined correction functions and offsets are applied as they are.
T0->NT 1/beta Gaussian center when Kmu2-determined correction functions and offsets are applied as they are for Compton-like &gammma.
T0->NT 1/&beta resolution defined as the Gaussian &sigma to fit the peak of shower-like &gamma when Kmu2-determined correction functions and offsets are applied as they are.
T0->NT 1/&beta Gaussian center when Kmu2-determined correction functions and offsets are applied as they are for shower-like &gamma.

As already reported, following two facts are clearly found when Kmu2-determined corrections are applied for GAMMA RAY as they are:

  • 1/&beta center is deviated to the faster side in segment-dependent scale.
  • Substantial correlation between energy and time still remains.
  • Note that they are still open problem whether they are also true for neutron, or not.

    Nextly, the results AFTER the re-tunning of the offset and correction function to optimize for Compton-like GAMMA RAY, are shown.

    T0->NT 1/&beta resolution defined as the Gaussian &sigma to fit the peak of Compton-like &gamma-ray when &gamma-determined correction functions and offsets are applied.
    T0->NT 1/&beta Center of Gaussian to fit the peak of Compton-like &gamma-ray when &gamma-determined correction functions and offsets are applied.
    T0->NT 1/&beta resolution defined as the Gaussian &sigma to fit the peak of NOT shower-like &gamma-ray when &gamma-determined correction functions and offsets are applied.
    T0->NT 1/&beta Center of Gaussian to fit the peak of shower-like &gamma-ray when &gamma-determined correction functions and offsets are applied. Substantial deviation from 1.0 is seen.

    A substantial deviation of 1/&beta center is found for shower-like &gamma-ray, and the tendency of the deviation is opposite to the expected from the possible overcounting of the TOF distance. This fact is known since E471.

    Energy dependence of 1/&beta peak center and Gaussian &sigma/Layer-by-layer resolution plot are exhibitted below, for Compton-like &gamma-ray with Compton-&gamma-determined slewing correction function.

    Arm-by-arm energy dependence of Gaussian &sigma(left)/center(right) of 1/&beta distribution from Compton-like &gamma-ray events. Left and right arm results are plotted by black and red, respectively.
    Layer-by-layer resolution for 5 (black),7 (red), and 10 (red) MeVee th values for Compton-like &gamma.
    Layer-by-layer Gaussian center of 1/&beta distribution for 5 (black),7 (red), and 10 (red) MeVee th values for Compton-like &gamma.
    Run-by-run arm-by-arm stability of Gaussian mean and &sigma fitted to 1/&beta distribution obtained from Compton-like &gamma. Black/red/green are used for 5MeVee/7MeVee/10MeVee, respectively.