Today's Progress 7. May. 2007

T0->PA TOF analysis and T0->PA->PB time walk study by (stopped K-,X+/-) data : E570

T0-Kstop TOF Monte-Carlo for (K-stopped, X+/-)

First, Kaon TOF from T0 2nd layer upstream surface to its stop is simulated by GEANT 3.21, with realistic object locations detected by vertex analysis for E570 setup, taking the target modification into account. Cycle-by-cycle shift of target position, and the replacement of radiation shield is clearly seen. The modification is properly taken into account to obtain z-vs-Kaon TOF distribution.

Z-vertex distribution taken from &pi--charged triggered events. Black:E549 run292, Red:E570 run 57, Green:E570 run 516.

Kaon TOF from T0 2nd layer (nsec) VS vertex z (mm). Red points are stopped component, while black ones are the in-flight. Note that incident K^- is produced considering the incident angle/position distribution.

Simulated TOF for kaon Simulated TOF for kaon

As the result of the target modification, the correlation is substantially different between E549 and E570.

TOF of stopped K- on 4He target, as a function of vertex z. The black/red/green are used to represent E549/E570-cycle1/E570-cycle2.
Simulated TOF for kaon

Time residual defined as the difference between expected stopping time duration from vertex z and the obtained correlation above and simulated stopping time. time resolution, ~20 psec, is expected.

Realistic time - calculated time for stopped K events on 4He for E570 cycle1(black)/cycle2(red). The top is obtained using the exect vertex, while the bottom is obtained with calculated vertex with BLC-PDC, hence Kaon/secondary particle scattering effect is taken into account.
Simulated TOF residual for Kaon

T0-PA TOF Analysis for (K-stopped, X+/-)

T0 and PA Larm offset tune with (&pi+,X+/-) data as the initial guess

Now, we tune the T0 offsets with (&pi+, X) at run 223(cycle1)/405(cycle2), with respect to PA Rarm ID4 as the initial guess. After the adjastment, the time residual is studied with (K-stopped, X+/-) data. The tentative results are shown below. T0offset(i) of i-th row is now defined as

-T0offset(i) = Tpa(R,ID=4)-Tt0(ID=i)-TOF&pi - TOFsec,


TOFsec = (c&beta)-1 * LTOF:verteex->PA .

This 1/&beta is just calculated from the PAPB slewing parameters as obtained by K+stopped analysis.

Result of initial T0 offset tuning. Note that PA relative offset has not been corrected at the moment. PAPB-measured 1/&beta region, (1.0, 1.3), is selected to tune the T0 timing.

T0->PA time residual from (K-stopped, X+/-) data

A correlation between T0-PA time residual (Tpa - Tt0 - TOF(t0->ksop:simulated) - TOFsec(PA-PB determined)) and vertex z, and its projection onto horizontal axis are shown below. The time deviation up to ~150 psec is seen at the upstream region(-60~-50mm), to which TOF ambiguity is fairly large as expected from the Monte-Carlo. On the bottom, The "stop K" comonent by T0 energy-vertex z correlation are overlayed with red solid line, while .NOT."stop K" component with the correlation is shown with green solid line. Note that T0 offsets are kept at the value obtained by (pi^-,X) analysis. Since ~250 psec deviation is seen for both cycle results on both arms, it is very likely that the T0 z position have a certain offset by 2~3 cm. This may produce the residual bending of the vertex(z)-VS-T0PA time residual correlation. Since T0 offsets are re-adjasted by stopped K- data systematically, this does not cause any serious problem, although tiny residual correlation may affect the resulting resolution moderately.

Arm-by-arm correlation between T0-PA time residual (horizontal) VS vertex z (vertical).
PA-T0 residual for K^- PA-T0 residual for K^-
T0->PA time residual for (K-, X+-) data from fiducial volume. The red/green represent the stop K- events and the complement.
PA-T0 residual for K^- PA-T0 residual for K^-

T0->PA->PB time walk study with (K-stopped, X+/-) data

1st stage T0/PA offset tune

Here, we study the run-by-run time walk of T0/PA with Kstop-charged-triggered event set, by

&delta T(T0->PA) = Tpa - Tt0 - TOFkstop - TOFsec,

where TOFsec is caluculated from the 1/&beta determined PA-PB TOF, TOFkstop is simulated value. In order to achieve better resolution of the distribution center, we fully impose KstopID > -1. (MeVee) condition. Note that we cannot determine the offset for all of the existing counters - we do need to select a counter to give a absolute reference. The PA R segment 4 is selected as the reference, and absolutely fixed. Then, segment-by-segment tune is performed for T0 row 2,3,4 with PA R-4, the PA L/R arms with T0 2-4 segment-by-segment. Finally, T0 1/5 is tuned with respect to PA R arm. Note that TOFsec is dependent on Tpa - but the dependence of TOFsec on Tpa is smaller than that of DeltaT, by factor 0.2. Thus, at the initial stage of the tunning, the possible error on TOFsec due to PA/PB time walk is consciously neglected. That would be minimized after all T0->PA->PB iterative process has been teriminated. The results of the run-by-run offset study are shown below.

Run-by-run variation of the Gaussian center of the DeltaT(T0->PA).

From now, we define new time residual, deltaT'(T0->PA), by

&delta T'(T0->PA) = Tpa' - Tt0' -TOFkstop -TOFsec ,

after first stage PA/T0 time walk correction on Tpa/Tt0, i.e.

Tpa' = Tpa - PAOFFSET1(idrun)


Tt0' = Tt0 + T0OFFSET1(idrun).

1st stage PB offset tune

As already intensively studied in E549 data analysis, we expect PB time walk as well. In order to eliminate the effect, we set the delayed-condition,

&delta T'(T0->PA) > 0.8 (nsec) ,

for 1st stage PB arm-by-arm offset tune.

Now, we examine the run-by-run behavior of the Kmu2 peak taking the PA time walk determined by T0-PA TOF analysis into account, namely,

&delta T (PA->PB) = Tpb - Tpa -TOFkmu2


&delta T' (PA->PB) = Tpb - Tpa'-TOFkmu2

Run-by-run variation of &delta T(PA->PB) Gaussian center and &sigma. The black/red represent L/Rarm results.
Run-by-run variation of &delta T'(PA->PB) Gaussian center and &sigma. The black/red represent L/Rarm results.

We activate the PB run-by-run, but arm-by-arm offset obtained here, and calculate the 1/&beta' by

1/&beta'(PA->PB) = (Tpb'-Tpa')*c/L_TOF

, where

Tpb' = Tpb - PBOFFSET1(idrun).

PBOFFSET1(idrun) is defined as the Gaussian center of the distribution of &delta T'(PA->PB).

With this 1/&beta definition, go back to T0->PA TOF analysis again.

2nd stage T0/PA offset tune

Here, we study the 2nd stage T0-PA time walk by studying the Gaussian center of

&delta T''(T0->PA) = Tpa' - Tt0' - TOFkstop - TOFsec',

where TOFsec' is calculated from the 1/&beta'.

Run-by-run variation of the Gaussian center of the DeltaT'(T0->PA).

From now, we define new time residual, &delta T'''(T0->PA), by

&delta T'''(T0->PA) = Tpa'' - Tt0'' -TOFkstop -TOFsec' ,

after the 2nd stage PA/T0 time walk correction on Tpa/Tt0, i.e.

Tpa'' = Tpa' - PAOFFSET2(idrun)


Tt0'' = Tt0' + T0OFFSET2(idrun).

2nd stage PB offset tune

We try to follow the PB time walk again by delayed-event, defined by the condition,

&delta T'''(T0->PA) = Tpa'' - Tt0'' -TOFkstop -TOFsec' > 0.8 (nsec) ,

to study run-by-run behavior of the Kmu2 peak taking the PA time walk determined by T0-PA TOF analysis into account, namely,

&delta T'' (PA->PB) = Tpb' - Tpa' -TOFkmu2 (centered at 0 by definition)


&delta T''' (PA->PB) = Tpb' - Tpa''-TOFkmu2

Run-by-run variation of &delta T'''(PA->PB) Gaussian center and &sigma. The black/red represent L/Rarm results.

We activate the PB run-by-run, but arm-by-arm offset obtained here, and calculate the 1/&beta'' by

1/&beta''(PA->PB) = (Tpb''-Tpa'')*c/L_TOF

, where

Tpb'' = Tpb' - PBOFFSET2(idrun).

PBOFFSET2(idrun) is defined as the Gaussian center of the distribution of &delta T'''(PA->PB).

With this 1/&beta definition, go back to T0->PA TOF analysis again.

3rd stage T0/PA offset tune

Here, we study the 3rd stage T0-PA time walk by studying the Gaussian center of

&delta T''''(T0->PA) = Tpa'' - Tt0'' - TOFkstop - TOFsec'',

where TOFsec'' is calculated from the 1/&beta''.

Run-by-run variation of the Gaussian center of the DeltaT'(T0->PA).

From now, we define new time residual, &delta T'''''(T0->PA), by

&delta T'''''(T0->PA) = Tpa''' - Tt0''' -TOFkstop -TOFsec'' ,

after the 3rd stage PA/T0 time walk correction on Tpa/Tt0, i.e.

Tpa''' = Tpa'' - PAOFFSET3(idrun)


Tt0''' = Tt0'' + T0OFFSET3(idrun).

3rd stage PB offset tune

We try to follow the PB time walk again by delayed-event, defined by the condition,

&delta T'''''(T0->PA) = Tpa''' - Tt0''' -TOFkstop -TOFsec'' > 0.8 (nsec) ,

to study run-by-run behavior of the Kmu2 peak taking the PA time walk determined by T0-PA TOF analysis into account, namely,

&delta T'''' (PA->PB) = Tpb'' - Tpa'' -TOFkmu2 (centered at 0 by definition)


&delta T''''' (PA->PB) = Tpb'' - Tpa'''-TOFkmu2

Run-by-run variation of &delta T'''''(PA->PB) Gaussian center and &sigma. The black/red represent L/Rarm results.

We activate the PB run-by-run, but arm-by-arm offset obtained here, and calculate the 1/&beta''' by

1/&beta'''(PA->PB) = (Tpb'''-Tpa''')*c/L_TOF

, where

Tpb''' = Tpb'' - PBOFFSET3(idrun).

PBOFFSET3(idrun) is defined as the Gaussian center of the distribution of &delta T'''''(PA->PB).

With this 1/&beta definition,

&delta T(6)(T0->PA) = Tpa''' - Tt0''' -TOFkstop -TOFsec''' ,

can be defined.

segment-by-segment PB offset tune

Even after arm-by-arm time walk has been solved, we expect substantial segment-dependent time walk which broaden the peaks, and the resolution can be improved more if that effect could be eliminated. For the purpose, whole production runs are divided into 35 parts (roughly saying, each part covers 1-day-equivalent production term), and segment-by-segment tune is performed for each of parts. The definition of the part is tabulatted below.

Definition of run part. E570 run 31~583 are divided into 35 parts. Calibration runs (Cosmic/K^+/pi^- runs) are treated separately.
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Run 31~43 45~6566~87 88~9899~110 111~122 123~135136~148 155~168 169~181 182~194 196~210 212~221 228~240 241~254
Part 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Run 255~267 268~281 282~294 300~313 314~325 326~337 338~354 355~368 417~428 429~442 443~454 455~462 466~481 482~493 494~509
Part 31 32 33 34 35
Run 510-525 526-539 540-552 553-564 565~583

Under the condition, &delta T(6)(T0->PA) = Tpa''' - Tt0''' -TOFkstop -TOFsec'''>0.8 nsec , we study the time residual,

&delta T(6) (PA->PB) = Tpb''' - Tpa'''-TOFkmu2

. By definition, &delta T(6) (PA->PB) is centered arm-by-arm, but not segment-by-segment. Therefore, we study PB segment i by the time residual,

&delta T(6) (PA->PBi) = Tpbi''' - Tpa'''-TOFkmu2

. The part-by-part Gaussian center of &delta T(6) (PA->PBi) is defined as the segment-by-segment factor. Then we define &delta T(7)(PA->PB) as

&delta T(7) (PA->PB) = Tpb'''' - Tpa'''-TOFkmu2

, where

Tpb'''' = Tpb''' - PBOFFSET_SEG(i,idpart)

. The resulting run-by-run behaviour of &delta T(7)(PA->PB) is shown below.

Run-by-run variation of &delta T(7)(PA->PB) Gaussian center and &sigma. The black/red represent L/Rarm results.

By using Tpb'''' defined here, 1/&beta'''' can be defined as

1/&beta''''(PA->PB) = (Tpb''''-Tpa''')*c/L_TOF

The comparison of the 1/&beta spectra before/after time-walk tune is given below.

Cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm comparison of 1/&beta spectra before(red)/after(black) iterative time-walk correction procedure. &delta T(7)(T0->PA).ge.0.8 nsec is imposed.

The final version of &delta T(T0->PA) can be defined as &delta T(7)(T0->PA) = Tpa''' - Tt0''' -TOFkstop -TOFsec''''

. The comparison of the &delta T(T0->PA) spectra before/after time-walk tune is given below.
Cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm comparison of &delta T(T0->PA) spectra for fast(1.0<1/&beta< 1.3.) partilces before(red)/after(black) iterative time-walk correction procedure.

PA->PB TOF performance for stopped K-runs

Cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm comparison of 1/&beta spectra for several delayed-gate conditions, &delta T(T0->PA) > 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0/2.4 nsec. They are represented by black/red/green/magenta/sky-blue, respectively.

We have no S/N gain with the delayed gate value larger than 1.2 nsec. Hereafter, 1/&beta performance for K- runs are studied by &delta T(T0->PA) > 1.2 nsec, by fitting it with 3 Gaussian + 3rd order polynomial.

Cycle-by-cycle arm-by-arm fit result of 1/&beta spectra from delayed events.

The stability of the 1/&beta peak center/&sigma for K- delayed events. Black/red/green are used to represent e/&mu/&pi, respectively.
center of inverse-beta for Kmu2 (1)(part-by-part) width of inverse-beta for Kmu2 (1)(part-by-part)
The PB segment-by-segment 1/&beta peak center/&sigma for K- delayed events for E570 1st cycle. Black/red/green are used to represent e/&mu/&pi, respectively.
The PB segment-by-segment 1/&beta peak center/&sigma for K- delayed events for E570 2nd cycle. Black/red/green are used to represent e/&mu/&pi, respectively.

T0->PA TOF performance for fast particles from stopped K-runs

Since PA->PB offset tune has been finalized here, T0->PA TOF resolution is checked again with the finalized PA-PB TOF analysis. The run-by-run variation of arm-by-arm T0->PA TOF resolution is shown below.

Run-by-run stability of T0->PA Gaussian &sigma for "stop K^- on 4He" events, with PA-PB 1/&beta described here. The black/red are used for L/R arms.
T0->PA resolution
Run-by-run stability of T0->PA Gaussian center for "stop K^- on 4He" events, with PA-PB 1/&beta described here. The fit is performed to the region (-0.249, +0.249) for all.
T0->PA Gaussian Center

Segment-by-segment results with E570 100% statistics are exhibitted below.

T0 segment-by-segment T0->PA TOF residual width for "stop K^- on 4He" events. Black/red are used for E570 1st/2nd cycles, while L/R are for the value with PA L/R arms, respectively.
T0 by T0 T0->PA resolution
T0 segment-by-segment T0->PA TOF residual width for "stop K^- on 4He" events. Black/red are used for E570 1st/2nd cycles.
PA by PA T0->PA resolution