Today's Progress 30. March. 2007

Generalization of &Lambda reconstruction/&Lambda N correlation analysis.

p&pi invariant mass spectra constructed from (p onNT, &pi onTC) and (p onTC, &pi onNT) events

In order to improve TC-detected particle momentum accuracy, the analysis is performed as follows:

1. Re-define the reaction vertex with proton/&pi tracks. Then, proton/&pi vertex is more accurately given for &Lambda->p&pi events. This is extremely important, because the procedure 2 does not work correctly, otherwise.

2. Re-define proton/pion TOF from its generation to PA arrival by energy-loss correction, by newly-defined p&pi vertex, and perform PA-TC TOF measurement for &pi/p.

3. Estimate initial momentum of VTC-detected p/&pi by energy-loss correction procedure as for NT-detected particles, with the reaction vertex and re-calculated TOF.

By the newly-defined decay vertex and PA-TC TOF analysis, we expect better accuracy of the p/&pi momentum for both of TC/NT sides, hence improved p&pi invariant mass. The comparisons are shown below for various event patterns. The red is constructed with old(BLC-PDC) vertex and T0->TC TOF analysis, while the black is the improved ones.

p&pi invariant mass spectra constructed from (p onNT, &pi onTC) and (p onTC, &pi onTC) events.

Suppression of combinatorial background by vertex information

In order to suppress the combinatorial BG in general case, we introduce &Lambda path vector, which is defined by the vector defined by BLC-track and new vertex, and momentum of &Lambda candidates. The definition is as follows:

1. new vertex and 3-momentum of the &Lambda candidate defines a straight line (A) in the E549 global coordinate.

2. The closest approaching points between BLC track and the straight-line is defined.

3. The vector connects the point on the straight line A and new vertex are defined as &Lambda path vector

When the &Lambda path vector vec(v&Lambda) is defined as described, then the inner product vec(v&Lambda)*hat(p&Lambda) is expected to work for S/N improvement. Here, hat(p&Lambda) is an unit vector with the direction of &Lamda candidate momentum.

The results are shown below.

p&pi invariant mass spectra constructed from (p onNT, &pi onTC) and (p onTC, &pi onTC) events. The events with positive vec(v&Lambda)*hat(p&Lambda) are plotted by red, while green if not.

p&pi invariant mass spectra for specific event sets

The p&pi invariant mass spectra for specific event sets are shown below. We define &Lambda - particle by the following conditions.

1. vec(v&Lambda)*hat(p&Lambda) is positive.

2. p&pi invariant mass value is within (1108.,1124.), (1111.,1121.) for case1 and case2, respectively.

The first requiremnt is imposed to improve S/N ratio, by factor ~2 with ~90% signal survival rate.

p&pi invariant mass spectra constructed from (p onNT, &pi onTC) and (p onTC, &pi onTC) events. The events with positive vec(v&Lambda)*hat(p&Lambda) are plotted by red, while green if not. Event topology is explicitly written on the spectra.

&Lambda N correlation analysis

&Lambda N event statistics for E549 cycle. For the primary neutron, selection A is defined by detection software threshold (3 MeVee) and 1/&beta selection (1.6-9.0) to define physical neutron. For the primary proton, it is defined by successfull energy loss correction with 'reaction vertex' and layer B hit if the proton is measured on TC. Selection B is defined by the elimination of unhealthy PB counter hit(L-3, R-15).
YN pair(dibaryon/tribaryon channel) case ID(Selection) Angler acceptance PA/PB/NT particle TC particle No. of reconstructed &Lambda No. of event after ANo. of event after B (yield of well-defined &Lambda N pair)
&Lambda p (X+/S0) 1(A-b-1-x) 180 +- 30p + p&pi 13291271 1164
&Lambda p (X+/S0) 1(A-b-x-1') 90 +- 45p&pi + p1217937 884
&Lambda n (X0/S+) 1(A-b-3-x) 180 +- 30p + n&pi 1220045554353
&Lambda n (X0/S+) 1(A-b-x-3') 90 +- 45p&pi + n371116751593
&Lambda p (X+/S0) 2(B-a-1-x) 90 +- 45&pi + pp 313297 268
&Lambda p (X+/S0) 2(B-a-x-1') 180 +- 45&pip + p29012416 2310
&Lambda n (X0/S+) 2(B-a-3-x) 90 +- 45&pi + np 640613831309
&Lambda n (X0/S+) 2(B-a-x-3') 180 +- 45&pip + n437624602357

The definition of variables are as follows:

&Lambda 4-momentum p&Lambda(0:3)/3-momentum p'&Lambda(3):p'&Lambda(i)=pp(i)+p&pi(i), p&Lambda(i)=p'&Lambda(i) (i=1,2,3), p&Lambda(0)=sqrt(M&Lambda2+|p'&Lambda|2),

Nucleon 4-momentum pN(0:3)/3-momentum p'N(3):pN(i)=p'N(i) (i=1,2,3), pN(0)=sqrt(MN2+|p'N2|)


N&Lambda total 3-momentum Ptot:sqrt((p&Lambda(1)+pN(1))2+(p&Lambda(2)+pN(2))2+(p&Lambda(3)+pN(3))2)

N&Lambda total energy Etot:p&Lambda(0)+pN(0)

N&Lambda invariant mass Minv:sqrt(Etot2-Ptot2)

4He(stopped K-,N&Lambda)X missing mass Mmiss:sqrt((M4He+MK--Etot)2-Ptot2)

The results are exhibitted below for every event topologies:
  • &Lambda case 1 p 180degree
  • &Lambda case 1 p 90degree
  • &Lambda case 1 n 180degree
  • &Lambda case 1 n 90degree
  • &Lambda case 2 p 180degree
  • &Lambda case 2 p 90degree
  • &Lambda case 2 n 180degree
  • &Lambda case 2 n 90degree