1. (At least) 1 neutron on PA/PDC/PB/NT.
2. (At least) 1 charged&pi on VDC/TC system. &pi-momentum is determined by T0-TC_B TOF method as already intensively described, and the energy-loss inside the target system is not corrected.
Since we have two TC/VDC and PA/PDC/PB/NT arms, the n&pi combination is oftenly not unique. Firstly, we examine the event set in which only 1p1n and 1 &pi have been detected and &pi from &Lambda-decay can be eliminated, to start width lower combinatorial background level.We define a &Sigma here, as
1. &pi is not from &Lambda decay, i.e. .NOT.(Minv(p&pi).ge.1100.AND.Minv(p&pi).le.1200.AND.Vcavp.ge.0.)
2. neutron momentum is larger than presetted threshold value.
3. VcaVn.gt.0.
4. Minv(n&pi).ge.1150. AND Minv(n&pi).le.1225.
Then, we obtain 1095 p&Sigma back-to-back coincidence events, for example 400MeV/c threshold value, out of 13488 pn+&pi events.Since the neutron momentum threshold is considered to affect the resulting invariant mass spectrum strongly, we try to improve S/N ratio of the &Sigma identification by fast&pi selection on TC, and to set the neutron momentum threshold, which is not rigidly fixed at this moment, as low as possible. The invariant mass spectra under various neutron momentum threshold values and &pi/fast&pi selection are shown below.
neutron threshold/ selection on TC | &pi | fast &pi |
200 MeV/c | 2009 | 1621 |
300 MeV/c | 1668 | 1327 |
400 MeV/c | 1095 | 813 |
Neutron momentum spectra for &pi/fast&pi .AND.(.NOT.from &Lambda).AND.vcavn.ge.0. events are shown below.
Resulting p&Sigma /pn invariant mass spectra are shown below.
Hereafter, we impose fast&pi and 300 MeV/c threshold for neutron detection for &Sigma^- identification to get lower combinatorial BG, and show the correlation between
1. p_3-momentum VS &Sigma^-_3-momentum
2. p&Sigma^- invariant mass vs p_3-momentum
3. p&Sigma^- invariant mass vs &Sigma^-_3-momentum
4. p&Sigma^- invariant mass vs cos(p&Sigma^-)
5. p&Sigma^- invariant mass vs p&Sigma^- total 3-momentum
1D plots of cos(p&Sigma^-), cos(p&Sigma^-)-selected p&Sigma^- invariant mass, &Sigma^- momentum and p&Sigma^- total 3-momentum are shown below Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4.
Lastly, we directly compare all p&Lambda/n&Lambda/p&Sigma^- Invariant mass spectra without any openning angle selection.