Today's Progress 15. June. 2006

Study of (K^-, X^0) spectrum with T0-NT (1)

Study of the (stoppedK^-,gamma) TOF spectrum with Kmu2-determined correction function

First, we examine the availability of Kmu2-determined correction functions. For gamma ray, NT-detected-time, Tnt, is defined by

Tnt = (Tu+Td)/2 -f(sqrt(phu*phd))*g(xi) - h(eta_0)+offset

,where eta_0 is now z-center of the NT segment, and xi is determined by Tu-Td. All functions, offset are kept as those obtained from K^+, at this moment. The time-residual is then defined by

delta T = Tnt - Tt0 - TOFt0->stop -Ltof/c

where Tt0 is kept as that obtained by T0-PA analysis for (stopK^-,X) (run129-134).
The 1/beta resolution plot for gamma-like events. The NT slewing correctiorn functions/offsets are just kept as those obtained by Kmu2 decay evets of stopped K^+.
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray
The comparison of the time-residuals after Kmu2-determined slewing correction between Kmu2-originated muon and gamma-ray for NCsegment 1(L-row1-layer1).
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray
The comparison of the correlations of sqrt(phu*phd) and time-residual after Kmu2-determined slewing correction between Kmu2-originated muon and gamma-ray for NCsegment 1(L-row1-layer1).
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray
The comparison of the profiles of correlations of sqrt(phu*phd) and time-residual after Kmu2-determined slewing correction between Kmu2-originated muon(black) and gamma-ray(red) for NCsegment 1(L-row1-layer1).
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray

Depending on the segment, substantial "residual correlation" and the deviation of peak position exist for gamma-ray events. After removing that, we obtain substantial improvement of 1/beta distribution for "gamma-ray", as presented below.

The arm-by-arm dependence of the gaussian sigma for gamma-like events on the light output. Left and right pannels are for L/R arms, respectively, and black/red lines are from method 2/3 described in the text, respectively.
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray
The arm-by-arm dependence of the gaussian center for gamma-like events on the light output. The conventions for L/R:color are as for the previous figure.
T0-NT TOF resolution for gamma-ray

We, however, need to be more carefull - because the best correction function for "gamma-ray" is not necessarily the best correction function for "neutron", as we have already experienced in the comparison between "muon" and "gamma-ray". In order to study the most relevant correction method, we now examine the following three ways, namely,

  • just keep the correction (method 1),
  • invoke the additional offset to tune the residual center to be 0 (method 2), and
  • invoke the additional correction function to eliminate the "residual correlation" (method 3),
  • for following two event sets,
  • gamma,
  • neutron from stop Sigma^+.
  • For gamma, expected ordering of peak width is of course 0>1>2, and scale of peak center deviation is 0>1=2 at least when we do not classify the 1/beta by light output. However, the performance for gamma does not ensure the performace for neutron, hence all 3 are applied for monochromatic neutron events, and compared, although, the available energy region is very limited. Note that the stopped Sigma^+ events are picked up from Kst-charged-triggered event set to enlarge the available statistics by factor 5 over. Hence, vertex position used is BLC-PDC one.

    The comparison of 3 correction functions (method1->black, method2->red, method3->green) for neutral particles. 1/beta region of 1(gamma-like:top panel)/5.2(neutron from stopped Sigma^+:bottom panel) for L(top) and R(bottom) arms are presented, respectively. Event selections are applied to the charged particle detected on the opposite arm - if the charged particle detected on the opposite arm is proton, the neutral particles detected on the original arm are dropped from the plot.
    Comparison of 3 correction functions for Larm Comparison of 3 correction functions for Rarm

    The improvement by method 3 is clear for gamma, while we cannot discriminate superior method for low-energy neutron. It should be noted that the original gamma-ray event set comes from Kst-VTC-NT-triggered events, hence ~80 % of gamma events are different from those used to tune the offset/correction function (at least, the vertex definition is different even for the events which are included in both of Kst-charged-triggered and Kst-VTC-NT sets.) After run-by-run Stop K selection has been established, we will come back to the issue, because in-flight contamination makes 1/beta distribution broader, which makes the discrimination of the methods more difficult.