Today's Progress 31. May. 2006

PA-PB/T0-PA TOF analysis for (pi^-, X) (1)

PA-PB TOF-momentum spectrum for (pi^-,p) reaction

proton PA-PB TOF momentum from (pi^-,p) reaction (run 292). All TOF parameters are adopted from K^+ result without any modification. Note that 4He events are NOT selected (just r<100 mm is imposed), and y and z hit positions on PB are limitted to be -500 ~ + 500 mm, again.

proton momentum determined by PA/PB for run 292.

Hereafter, T0-PA TOF analysis is developed for (pi^-, X)/(K^-, X) reaction.

T0 slewing correction by pi^- beam run

Since we have switched the TOF analysis description from (phL, phR) -> (deltaE, xi), we retry the T0 slewing corection by pi^- beam run. By using the T0-T0 data, we cannot determine the xi-dependence. Therefore, we just perform the slewing correction by deltaE term. The xi term can be studied by T0-PA analysis, although, it is expected to be almost negligible.
Results of T0 1st stage slewing correction. 1st stage correction is done by polynomial(up to 3rd) of 1/sqrt(phL*phR) of 2 layers for mean time difference.
ROW ID Layer 1 order Layer 2 order Layer 1 - fit reginLayer 2 fit regionGaussian width for pi^- beam (psec) (run 291) Gaussian width for K^- (run 290)
1 3 2 0.051-0.174 0.051-0.149 80.08 44.31
2 3 3 0.056-0.249 0.036-0.186 79.37 46.29
3 3 3 0.056-0.249 0.036-0.199 93.97 66.40
4 3 3 0.066-0.224 0.031-0.249 82.22 49.08
5 3 3 0.056-0.199 0.036-0.249 80.48 48.30

Row-by-row 1/sqrt(phL*phR) VS T0time(2) - T0time(1) correlation after 1st stage slewing correction done above. A systematic tendency that T0 mean times are small if 1/sqrt(phL*phR) being small (i.e. for large pulse height), is clearly seen even after the 1st stage correction, for all counters. This must be removed by adding additional term to the correction function, which are locally determined, and locally effective by 50~100 psec.

T0 1 T0 2 T0 3 T0 4 T0 5

Second stage correction is activated only for 1/sqrt(phL*phR) < 0.1. The second stage correction function is prepared to correct the larger PH region, and defined as a parabola with its differential and value at 0.1 being 0 and 0 . The parabora is obtained by fitting the higher PH region for pi-beam events AFTER 1st stage global correction. The resulting behaviour of the time difference with respect to the 1/sqrt(phL*phR) is shown below, row-by-row. Now, we hardly see the deviation of the time difference from the constant.

T0 1 T0 2 T0 3 T0 4 T0 5
Results of T0 2nd stage slewing correction. 2nd stage correction is done by parabora of (1/sqrt(phL*phR)-0.1) on 2 layers for mean time difference.
ROW ID Gaussian width for pi^- beam (psec) (run 291) Gaussian width for K^- (run 290)
1 79.66 44.23
2 78.49 45.76
3 93.45 58.15
4 81.24 49.18
5 80.26 48.15

Note that it is very difficult to see the improvement due to the 2nd stage correction by the width/mean of T0 2-1 time difference, because the effects kill each other for Kaon, for which two pulse heights are strongly correlated! But this correction would be meaningful for T0-PA/T0-NC analysis, to avoid expected deviation of the time origin and/or the aggravation of the resolution.

T0-PA TOF analysis by (pi^-, X)

By adopting T0 slewing correction functions obtained above, tune the T0 relative offsets with respect to PA wall at run 292, here. In this section, "T0" means "T0 downstream layer" unless especially mentioned.

PA relative offsets had been tuned at run 136-141. Very unfortunately, substantiall deviation of the PA-PA relative offsets are detected, as is described a little bit later. Therefore, T0 relative offsets are tuned with respect to PA R arm row 1-4, for which large deviation of the offsets are not observed.

Time residual. Fast secondary particles with 1/beta 1~1.3 are selected at PA-PB. Top is with no selection on incident particles, whicle bottom-left/right are for 'fast'(i.e. continuously decelerated component from 650 MeV/c) and 'slow' (product of elastic/inelastic nuclear reaction and/or K^- decay) components, respectively. For slow component, calculated TOF of incident pion is insufficient, so that intense tail structure appears. Hereafter, we select fast component only, and check two-dimensional correlations with existing quantities.

PA-T0 time residual(1) PA-T0 time residual(2)

Time residual vs hit position on PA (top:y on PA without no PAID selection, bottom:z on PA with PAID 1-4. Both are for R arm.) Unfortunately, several*100 psec of relative time-walk has been detected. Part-by-part timing tune is indispensable.

PA-T0 time residual VS y PA-T0 time residual VS z

Time residual vs 1/sqrt(phL*phR) on PA. Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS PAenergy

Time residual vs hit position on T0. Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS T0position

Time residual vs 1/sqrt(phL*phR) on T0. Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS T0energy

Time residual vs beta inverse of secondary particles. Now, no selection on beta inverse is applied to the time residual. Slow proton/pion component is clearly seen, for which secondary charged particle TOF is overestimated.

PA-T0 time residual VS beta inverse of secobdary charged particles

Time residual vs vertex/vca. Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS vetex/vca(1) PA-T0 time residual VS vetex/vca(2) PA-T0 time residual VS vetex/vca(3)

Time residual vs slew-corrected PA(top)/T0(bottom) meantime. Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS PA meantime PA-T0 time residual VS T0 meantime

Time residual vs TOF of beam pi(top)/secondary particle(bottom). Significant structures are not found.

PA-T0 time residual VS beam pion TOF PA-T0 time residual VS secondary particle TOF

Resolution of time residual for fast particles(1/beta 1-1.3, top)/proton(1/beta 1.6-2.2 && proton PID function, bottom). Event selections commonly imposed are 1) fast pion of beam 2) PA R arm row 1~4 3) target fiducial volume cut.

Width of PA - T0 time residual