Today's Progress 17. May. 2006
Re-consideration of the TOF analysis procedure.
The scheme of the E549 TOF analysis
From now, the TOF analysis will be performed stepwise in the following order:
1. PA-PB TOF analysis with (stop K^+,X) run (136~141)
-> (stop K^+,mu/pi^+) spectrum by PA-PB is the goal of the step. This will be the basis of the all following steps.
1'. PA-PB TOF analysis with (stop K^-,p)
-> The pulse height-time residual correlation is studied up to proton full stop ADC value. PA-PB TOF analysis is then completed.
2. T0-PA(T0-T0) TOF analysis with (pi^-,X) run (292)
-> PA-T0 TOF study is the goal of the step. When possible error has been found on PA, then go back to 1 adopting the suggested correction. Otherwise, T0/PA/PB are completely understood at least for fast particles.
2'. T0-PA(T0-T0) TOF analysis with (stop K^-,X) run
-> PA-T0 TOF study is the goal of the step. T0 energy deposit is now larger, hence T0 performance/Kaon flight time validity/ stopped K^- selection are studied.
3. PA-NT TOF analysis with (stop K^+,X) run (136~141)
-> (stop K^+,pi^+)/(pi^-,p) spectra by PA-NT are the goal of the step. Here NT is tuned with fast charged particles with respect to PA wall. When the step is completed, we should have all detector-by-detector time offsets and correction functions required, at least for fast particles.
4. T0-NT TOF analysis with (stop K^-,gamma) run (production)
-> (stop K^-,gamma) spectra by T0-NT is the goal of the step. Here we check whether or not the investigated correction functions/offsets are valid.
Only after those 4 steps are completed, the (stop K^-, N) spectra can be safely discussed, though, we do need more about a systematic way to correct the time walk of detectors. It is exculsively discussed after all kinds of TOF combination have been enabled.
Re-consideration of the method of the slewing correction
Now, slewing correction is performed by newly-developed manner.
phL and phR (strongly-correlated each other) -> sqrt(phL*phR) and xi (nearly independent)