Today's Progress 14. May. 2006

Chamber positionning study - finalization.

1. Study of position offsets

Since we do not know the relative position of chambers with required accuracy, we do need to investigate the possible position offset values from their nominal ones. For the E549 experiment, they are studied by some calibration runs as tabulatted below.

Calibration runs to be used for chamber offset study. All chamber resolutions at the moments are shown by micron unit, simultaneously.
Run Trigger VDCtop(y-x/y-z)VDCbottom(y-x/y-z)BLC(z-x/z-y)PDC L(x-y/x-z)PDC R(x-y/x-z)Purpose
304 pi^-*VTC 324.1/365.1255.1/323.6223.5/225.8226.1/249.0201.2/254.0BLC-VDC
292 pi^-*PA*PB 341.7/343.5266.8/300.5205.6/202.7159.5/161.4148.3/155.6BLC-PDC L/R
117,118,119 VTCcosmic 219.0/234.3177.7/200.6---VDCtop - VDCbottom
238,239,240,241,242 VTCcosmic 220.8/230.8182.0/202.7---VDCtop - VDCbottom
136(137,138,139,140,141)K^+*PA*PB / K^+*VTC278.2/295.9219.7/251.2119.5/116.5153.6/154.0144.3/147.5BLC-PDC L/R / BLC-VDC
We adopt VDCtop position and axes as the origin and coordinate axes of the E549 global coordinate system. The procedure is as follows:

1. VDCbottom position study. VDCbottom position with respect to VDCtop is studied. The study is performed with cosmic ray data. The detailed procedure is described here(note that definition of variables had been modified from the definition there...). The results is tabulatted below:

VDC bottom rotation angle and position offset detected by cosmic ray analysis. Note that these values are defined by the displacement and rotation of VDCbottom-detected cosmic ray track - hence, the rotation and shift of VDCbottom from its nominal position is obtained by multiplying -1 to all values listed.
Run Delta x (mm) Delta y (mm) Delta z (mm) psi (mrad) (around x axis)theta (mrad) (around y axis)phi (mrad) (around z axis)
Adopted values 0.75 0.60 4.03 -4.3 5.9 0.5
117~119 0.77 0.70 4.00 -5.1 5.5 1.3
238~242 0.75 0.60 4.03 -4.3 5.9 0.5

The agreement of these two results is satisfactory, hence the result from run 152~154 represents all, and used all over the first cycle.

2. BLC position study. BLC position is studied with respect to the VDCtop/bottom (note that now VDC position is accurately known). The study is performed with both of K~ + -VTC and pi - VTC triggered data. The detail is described here.

The comparison of adopted and obtained values of BLC rotation angle and position offset. Note that other 5 values are fixed at the values adopted when a certain variable is estimated for each of calibration runs, except for delta x. Fine tune of delta x is performed coupled with variable theta - and column for delta x means the section of linear function to fit z-vertex VS Vca_x correlation after 12.7 mrad theta inverse-rotation and inverse shift by 4.2mm of BLC-detected track.
Run Delta x (mm) Delta y (mm) Delta z (mm) psi (mrad) (around x axis)theta (mrad) (around y axis)phi (mrad) (around z axis)
adopted values4.1 0.0 39.9 12.4 12.7 5.0
136 0.07/-0.03 0.2/0.3 40.3/41.113.3/6.0 14.6/12.96.2/3.7
304 -0.07/0.02 0.0/-0.338.8/38.214.4/12.217.7/12.75.5/4.9

3. PDC position study. PDC position is studied with respect to BLC. The study is performed with pi^-*PA*PB triggered data. The detail is described here, but it should be noted that adopted data set is switched from K^+*PA*PB (E549) to K^+*PAPB+pi^+-*PA*PB (E570) to confirm the robstness of the positionning study. The parameter delta z and theta is very difficlut to be determined... hence, theta + delta z is directly determined with respect to VDC, with the events in which VDC and PDC have detected simultaneous tracks.

PDC rotation angle and position offset detected by pi^-/K^+ - PAPB data. Note that these values are defined by the displacement and rotation of PDC-detected beam track - hence, the rotation and shift of PDC from its nominal position is obtained by multiplying -1 to all values listed. delta z and theta are determined with PDC-VDC V_ca correlations.
Run Delta x (mm) L/R Delta y (mm) L/R Delta z (mm) L/R psi (mrad) (around x axis) L/Rtheta (mrad) (around y axis) L/Rphi (mrad) (around z axis) L/R
adopted values 1.5/-2.21.8/0.4 8.0/4.0 6.4/0.6 10.8/4.2 -5.8/3.2
136 1.9/-2.4-0.04/-0.010.03/0.006.6/0.410.8/4.8-5.9/4.4
292 1.2/-1.90.00/0.030.04/0.036.2/0.810.8/3.3-5.8/2.1

2. Vertex images

BLC-VDC vertex image

  • run 304 (pi^- * VTC)
  • run 136 (K^+ * VTC)
  • run 135 (K^- * VTC)
  • BLC-PDC vertex image

  • run 292 (pi^- * PAPB)
  • run 136 (K^+ * PAPB)
  • run 135 (K^- * PAPB)
  • 3. Comparison of DCA distributions

    Comparison of BLC-VDC DCA distribution for pi^--VTC (black), K^+-VTC(red) and K^--VTC(green) is shown below. Fiducial volume cut is applied without stop K selection.

    Comparison of BLC-VDC DCA

    Comparison of BLC-PDC DCA distribution for pi^--PAPB (black), K^+-PAPB(red) and K^--PAPB(green) is shown below. Fiducial volume cut is applied without stop K selection.

    Comparison of BLC-PDC DCA

    A comparison of BLC-VDC (black) and BLC-PDC L(red)/R(green) z-vertex distribution for K^+ run is shown below. Since PDC L/R z-position has been completely studied, all 3 shows a reasonable agreement. Note that they agree with only after PDC L/R z-position is carefully studied. Otherwise, they disagree by 5mm order.

    Comparison of BLC-VDC/BLC-PDC z-vertex for K^+