Today's Progress 9. May. 2006

PDC tracking - finalization.

Here, E549 PDC tracking is finalized.
  • Re-timing by PA layer
  • dt-dx reconstruction for every 3~5 runs
  • are applied, after "0-th order" PA-PB TOF analysis.

    PA-PB TOF analysis toward the PDC retiming procedure

    Before the retiming propcedure, we do need to adjust relative time-offsets of PA. That means, we do need PA-PB TOF analysis before retiming ( the retiming procedure is essentially itterative....) Below, the result from run e549 136-141 is developed.

    Slewing factors for PB obtained by PA-PB TOF with PA 4. "offset" means the center of Kmu2 peak of slew-corrected-TOFab, hence relative-offset of PB segments. However, when we turn off the PA slewing part, the central position fluctuates EVEN AFTER subtraction of "offset". The "offset'" represent that. Hence, "offset'" is just defined by Kmu2 centracl position after 1st stage PB slewing correction AND "offset" subtraction.
    PB arm ROWfactor upfactor downresolution (psec)offset(nsec)/offset'(nsec)PA 4 factor upPA 4 factor downEvent Number
    L 1 20.324715.1257151.8-1.255/-0.86986.833995.469381903
    L 2 18.856315.0869131.2-1.091/-0.90686.363606.213572186
    L 3 10.541921.1585138.5-1.193/-0.71955.726344.337662703
    L 4 21.168816.6213118.4-1.293/-0.83996.680854.926663090
    L 5 20.462715.7269124.0-1.283/-0.85486.970164.743023351
    L 6 28.92665.69822122.4-1.338/-0.77395.971654.512013524
    L 7 30.015 7.35918116.0-1.276/-0.87836.397485.486913664
    L 8 25.790313.5294119.2-1.498/-0.86596.021 5.637793567
    L 9 21.019518.388 117.3-1.350/-0.85315.462916.084 3773
    L 10 22.657413.6133121.3-1.253/-0.66922.568236.750483622
    L 11 20.801416.5357116.2-1.459/-0.77883.818387.052253536
    L 12 24.361714.461 113.7-1.624/-0.80153.919837.373833384
    L 13 21.265814.5986115.0-1.411/-0.80694.914326.2893 2818
    L 14 21.484 14.9908113.2-1.221/-0.85283.7346 8.631922391
    L 15 22.571314.6161124.3-1.312/-0.79853.362868.335511902
    L 16 18.670816.9887128.0-1.444/-0.75561.841299.823061387
    L 17 19.443 14.7569127.8-1.165/-0.92470.6032314.516 1045
    R 1 20.514716.0335123.6-0.9410/-1.21712.99665.041141889
    R 2 21.970314.6451113.8-1.395/-1.073 10.90964.711222144
    R 3 22.149513.1877128.3-0.9574/-1.0549.660435.421562571
    R 4 22.797 17.1345106.0-1.108/-1.116 8.552117.149363120
    R 5 14.709522.0497107.8-1.145/-1.163 7.383528.677113565
    R 6 23.322412.7693102.5-1.187/-1.047 7.963386.540393513
    R 7 17.618916.6927104.4-1.145/-1.033 7.921256.310593601
    R 8 22.504916.1581103.3-1.245/-0.94907.843655.200793708
    R 9 22.432314.8804104.4-1.080/-1.039 7.472056.7851 3730
    R 10 21.587615.4675102.2-1.337/-1.056 7.225967.342913848
    R 11 20.622114.2653103.7-1.173/-1.018 6.147538.035373824
    R 12 21.501219.1383 99.5-1.441/-0.95815.125878.3724 3585
    R 13 23.58459.58944106.3-0.8580/-1.0503.6876511.47773207
    R 14 19.775713.2457106.9-0.8970/-1.0796.693898.586992670
    R 15 12.574613.4168133.3-0.4569/-1.0933.3655112.83072143
    R 16 21.32357.51831116.6-0.8465/-1.0423.9108211.65821630
    R 17 26.74778.76179109.4-1.101/-1.052 6.620118.6945 1215

    Since slewing parameters for PB segments were roughly known by procedure 1, now we can determine PA slewing parameters accurately with full statistics available (from 17 PB segments). The result is tabulatted below.

    Slewing factors for PA segments obtained by PA-PB TOF all PB segments
    PA arm ROWFactor upFactor downResolution (psec)Offset(nsec)Used Event Number
    L 1 2.82889 10.0385 137.5 -1.3158 24640
    L 2 6.15756 6.1389 129.9 0.09498 37318
    L 3 5.26219 8.64167 131.1 -0.44908 46784
    L 4 5.53659 5.73415 121.0 0.8221 48869
    L 5 6.77644 7.3463 127.2 0.7519E-02 49260
    L 6 6.52584 5.98086 127.2 0.85172 45995
    L 7 6.76082 5.41928 138.1 0.66828 37997
    L 8 5.2632 6.29664 143.1 0.83578 24832
    R 1 6.40533 7.23156 122.4 0.11975 25965
    R 2 5.78172 7.71338 118.7 1.2164 38953
    R 3 6.87998 7.9264 119.9 0.60656 48807
    R 4 7.3354 7.24056 109.9 1.0456 51541
    R 5 6.89373 6.90967 111.9 1.0930 50963
    R 6 7.57708 5.64263 123.7 1.4959 47090
    R 7 8.36948 4.80296 126.3 1.2059 36786
    R 8 7.92892 4.40944 129.6 1.8353 23803

    For the PDC retiming purpose, we do not need to accurately know PB parameters. However, PA-PB TOF analysis is finally requirted for the T0 offset tune, hence BLC retiming by T0, therefore, we proceed a little bit more.

    Slewing parameters for PB segments are now determined with full statistics (8 PA segments). The result is tabulatted below.

    Slewing factors for PB segments obtained by PA-PB TOF with all PA segments
    PB arm ROWFactor upFactor downe peak width (psec) mu peak width (psec) pi peak width (psec) Offset(nsec)Employed Event Number
    L 1 22.0254 17.8018 191.0 140.8 163.5 0.33091 17781
    L 2 21.7247 18.9784 178.7 134.7 161.5 0.30541 20652
    L 3 9.63984 20.6816 194.3 137.3 161.4 -2.4427 25720
    L 4 22.7499 19.3896 174.9 129.3 156.0 -0.48071 29729
    L 5 21.1658 18.8166 168.1 127.7 153.1 1.0307 31803
    L 6 27.7075 12.9832 170.1 132.0 156.9 -0.90414 33125
    L 7 28.4065 11.3479 179.7 125.7 144.8 -0.89182 34669
    L 8 20.5838 16.4567 172.3 122.5 143.1 -4.3226 34767
    L 9 21.842 15.6881 193.0 124.0 144.6 -2.1870 34961
    L 1019.0876 17.8613 176.8 124.6 148.4 -1.1543 35044
    L 1122.3326 17.209 175.5 121.9 143.2 -3.2570 33955
    L 1223.7708 15.1371 183.7 122.7 143.9 -2.8334 32136
    L 1321.6891 17.1094 161.1 124.8 149.6 -9.2773 27491
    L 1420.4058 17.9719 169.0 125.8 148.7 -7.1869 22718
    L 1523.4199 17.4144 177.9 132.7 155.3 -6.7294 17836
    L 1619.192 17.9971 181.9 141.4 168.6 -6.2905 13183
    L 1719.3201 18.4216 194.9 135.0 184.4 -3.5280 9916
    R 1 17.7253 17.0537 167.3 124.6 157.0 -0.99807 17335
    R 2 24.0642 16.5891 178.2 121.7 149.5 1.2728 19646
    R 3 24.321 15.8231 196.3 130.3 157.2 0.91227 24253
    R 4 21.9627 21.0711 154.6 116.1 149.1 -1.9946 29008
    R 5 15.3127 21.7088 141.5 112.5 134.3 -0.61896 32039
    R 6 22.3852 15.6307 152.2 111.8 140.5 -0.7350 33012
    R 7 19.6133 18.2672 161.1 111.6 135.3 -1.6805 34176
    R 8 23.1744 17.4438 143.2 113.3 131.5 -2.5853 35020
    R 9 23.344 17.3365 138.6 110.7 135.8 -1.9829 34973
    R 1021.3838 17.1075 139.2 108.3 136.7 -2.8580 35809
    R 1121.0188 18.094 153.0 112.9 132.5 -3.3407 35213
    R 1219.6416 21.3658 141.4 111.2 133.8 -1.4205 33996
    R 1321.5638 11.0094 140.7 117.8 141.6 -8.0878 30197
    R 1419.776 16.2455 151.0 116.7 149.8 -6.7419 24916
    R 1516.1759 13.3677 199.5 141.3 148.8 -4.9638 19460
    R 1618.353 14.2674 170.0 127.1 154.8 -6.4262 14956
    R 1723.6113 15.6188 191.4 129.0 170.1 -2.5682 11940

    The resulting arm-by-arm 1/beta spectrum from "stop K^+ within the target cell" (fiducial volume + stop K by T0 energy cuts are applied) and the fit results with 3 independent Gaussian functions (9 free parameters) are shown below. The 1/beta widths (P6 parameter: Gaussian sigma) for Kmu2 peak are 0.0225 and 0.0203 for L and R arms, respectively.

    PA-PB 1/beta resolution

    Beam Tracking Result

    Run-by-run stability of the PDC tracking efficiency per Kst-Charged trigger is shown below. The stability is satisfactory, though several jumps exist - the runs and the reasons are listed as:

  • run 67 -> pi^- beam run
  • run 90 -> pi^- beam run
  • run 108 -> Hardware(Gas? Trigger?) trouble - PDC/BLC bad efficiency/resolution
  • run 162-164 -> Trigger change - Kst*PA*PB -> Kst*PA
  • run 279,281 -> Higher pion intensity run
  • run 291 -> pi^- beam run
  • run 292 -> pi^-*PA*PB
  • run 304 -> pi^-*bar(KsV)*VTC
  • PDC Track Efficiency

    Terminating the dt-dx study, the resulting run-by-run plot of the PDC resolution for "Kst-Charged trigger " is as shown below. Note that PDC can detect the track without PB hit - hence, PDC can detect 1 or 2 track(s) even if the trigger is not Kst-Charged. In the plot, those events are NOT included, and Kst-Charged-triggered events are just selected, Generally, the resulting width of the residual is broadened if we include those events, as we can find the example at run 162~164. It is caused by very hard inclination of those tracks.

    PDC Tracking Resolution final