Today's Progress 6. Nov. 2005

PA-PB analysis - first stage 2 (further study for PA->PB TOF)

Combination-by-combination resolution values, after elimination of TOF distance and slewing corrections for PA and PB are shown below. All 2 (arms) *8 (PA) * 17 (PB) = 272 resolution values are shown by psec unit.

TOF resolution/peak position (psec) for muon peak for all existing PA-PB combinations
PB arm PB ROW\PA ROW 12 3 4 5 6 7 8
L 1 158.4/-39.4 146.6/16.17 146.9/-0.1 147.3/-3.1 151.5/5.5 158.8/14.7 148.3/33.8 146.9/35.2
L 2 140.5/-33.5 128.5/5.4133.9/10.0 131.5/-12.3 135.0/3.7 136.5/12.3 139.1/32.1 135.2/47.5
L 3 139.6/-34.8 144.6/-10.3 137.3/-6.0 130.3/-1.3 136.6/7.9 134.8/4.1 137.1/18.5 134.4/23.7
L 4 135.7/-24.6 136.1/-1.4 130.1/-10.9 126.8/-7.2 129.7/0.1 135.0/-0.8 131.9/28.3 145.9/21.5
L 5 131.8/-35.6 127.6/-21.5 127.2/-24.5 125.8/-17.7 124.2/-9.5 130.7/-14.1 134.7/8.2 140.7/3.8
L 6 126.4/-29.6 127.0/-25.4 125.6/-29.7 119.9/-9.8 125.5/3.1 126.2/13.6 132.3/29.5 143.1/44.4
L 7 129.6/-33.0 124.4/-16.0 125.4/-22.0 118.7/-12.7 120.2/-3.1 119.6/10.9 129.6/27.4 136.5/40.4
L 8 126.5/-22.1 121.9/-15.2 122.4/-8.1 114.3/-3.3 117.0/1.3 120.0/6.6 122.7/15.7 128.8/31.6
L 9 133.4/-10.1 120.8/-8.7 127.0/-4.2 114.5/0.8 119.1/5.2 124.6/7.0 129.3/11.0131.7/34.2
L 10 131.9/-8.9 124.3/-13.0 126.9/-12.3 118.3/-9.8 118.7/1.2 121.6/1.8 126.5/13.5 129.8/30.8
L 11 124.4/-2.2 119.7/-13.1 119.9/-8.4 112.9/-9.4 116.9/2.5 119.9/4.9 134.1/8.1 131.8/21.7
L 12 121.1/-4.4 126.7/-6.7 122.8/-10.6 113.6/-6.8 120.2/1.0 123.3/-0.6 131.6/11.8 133.1/26.9
L 13 126.0/1.0 128.8/-6.0 121.4/-5.2 114.8/-9.0 126.1/-5.1 129.4/-2.1 136.9/15.6 138.0/23.0
L 14 150.0/2.2 131.4/2.3 140.5/-8.0 123.8/-6.7 127.2/5.1 131.8/3.8 140.3/11.6 135.4/26.2
L 15 138.9/1.1 148.8/-13.6 136.9/-7.6 133.2/-11.6 136.3/-0.9 138.2/4.2 140.7/18.6 129.4/28.0
L 16 146.1/12.7 148.3/-5.0 146.5/4.5 134.1/-16.6 146.8/-15.6 137.1/8.0 136.6/19.4 154.7/40.0
L 17 147.5/-5.2 145.7/7.9 157.2/-4.7 146.1/-0.6 152.2/9.4 136.3/8.4 147.2/16.7 164.6/13.6
R 1 148.7/-13.7 149.6/-20.3 147.6/-11.8 137.8/-3.8 139.2/5.1 148.5/9.4 147.1/20.7 148.0/28.7
R 2 125.8/-5.5 143.0/-17.8 133.9/-16.0 131.3/-9.9 129.8/5.4 130.9/-0.2140.0/15.3 143.1/28.7
R 3 138.3/-16.0 129.2/-13.3 132.5/-9.4 128.4/-5.1 122.7/2.4 132.1/19.2 134.8/17.3 137.1/30.2
R 4 126.0/-3.7 128.5/-7.6 127.4/-7.1 118.0/-0.7 123.0/8.1131.4/8.3 134.8/4.4 133.0/10.7
R 5 131.2/5.3 120.5/8.1 117.9/2.7 113.9/-6.2 117.9/-7.1 130.2/-5.3 129.3/-3.4 127.5/18.2
R 6 119.2/-14.3 117.2/-14.1 120.8/-5.1 109.8/-1.6 106.5/8.6 111.7/11.5 122.0/9.5 126.3/20.2
R 7 118.0/-12.1 118.0/-15.4 118.8/-7.2 107.7/-1.0 109.0/1.0 112.4/14.6 121.4/11.0 124.9/26.5
R 8 120.4/-18.6 117.5/-21.3 118.5/-10.4 107.4/-1.7 107.1/5.0 117.0/17.9 123.4/9.7 129.8/19.1
R 9 122.0/-12.4 112.5/-10.6 115.1/-6.6 105.9/-6.5 107.5/0.2 113.3/9.0 122.6/11.1 123.7/29.2
R 10 107.6/-6.3 112.8/-10.4 112.3/-4.9 103.9/-6.1 106.6/3.5 111.6/9.4 120.7/4.5 118.1/21.1
R 11 121.9/-20.2 115.8/-12.2 119.2/0.9 105.8/-2.9 108.7/2.2 118.2/10.1 124.9/6.2125.3/18.7
R 12 119.3/-10.2 117.5/-8.8 117.5/-1.9 106.8/-2.3 105.8/-0.3 116.5/5.8 119.6/5.5 122.6/21.8
R 13 129.6/-6.3 118.1/-1.1 123.7/-2.2 112.7/-1.5 116.0/5.6 122.5/6.5 130.7/5.8 133.3/16.9
R 14 122.2/4.8 129.6/-8.6 127.3/-0.4 114.4/0.4 123.8/4.6 131.2/8.8 130.3/1.0 131.2/17.8
R 15 149.4/6.3 143.7/-15.4 118.2/-3.3130.5/-5.3 123.0/10.1 143.5/7.3 141.5/8.2 152.7/4.7
R 16 133.4/-39.3 130.6/-32.3 135.4/-10.4 119.1/1.4 122.9/15.8 138.5/32.6 131.3/24.8 133.3/46.9
R 17 138.0/-15.7 130.3/-3.5 145.7/-1.6 129.4/6.5 146.5/3.5152.1/22.0 162.2/3.8 161.3/8.0

Here, preliminal PBtime - PAtime - Ltof/v_mu spectra after PA and PB slewing correction are shown separately for L(top) and R(bottom) arms. Overall time resolution is 132.0 and 121.3 psec for L and R arms, respectively, at this moment.

Since combination-dependence of PA->PB TOF resolution is clearly seen, we do need to study the correlation between incident angle /osition and slew-corrected TOF systematically.

First, Correlation between PB y position vs TOF residual (Slew_corrected PA->PB time-of-flight - tof distance divided by muon velocity) is studied.

An uniformal dependence of the residual on the y position is clearly seen. Since this correlation is uniformly seen for all PB segments, none of z incident position or angle onto PA are limited, this cannot be attributed to neither z position, nor the incident angle onto it. Since we do not see any periodicity, y position or incident angle dependence of meantime of PA is also unlikely. The only possible reasoning of this correlation is y incident position or angle dependence of PB meantime . The systematic aggravation of the resolution and deviation of the peak center with respect to PA segment ID is exclusively due to this phenomenon, and this MUST be attributed to PB meantime.

The correlation shown above could be attributed to the y-dependent furture of the total light propagation duration within PB segment.

At the edge side, muon band is somehow broader, which is explicitly represented by the systematic variation of the resolution with respect to PB segment ID.

The PA->PB TOF analyze MUST BE FINALIZED AFTER PDC retiming by PA. After that, further study will be done with K^+ data.

To be done nextly (in order) ....

0. Finalization of PDC tracking - PA retiming and long-term stability.

1. PA->PB TOF finalization for K^+ runs.

2. NC analysis 1 - Energy calibration and correlation between 1/beta and total energy.

3. T0->PA TOF, Kaon flight time and relative offset adjustment of T0 segments.

4. Stop K selection with reaction time and inclusive proton spectrum

5. NC analysis 2 - PA->NC TOF with K^+ run

6. NC analysis 3 - Pattern recognition and 1/beta spectrum for neutral particles