Today's Progress 27. Sep. 2005

PA-PB analysis - first stage 1 (preliminary:with K^+ run)

Now, we can study PA-PB-NC counters for charged particles. For gain tune and TOF origin determination, we need a detailed Monte-Carlo simulation, and such a simulation is performed by Fukuda by GEANT 3.21. To caluculate 1/beta, PA-PB or PA-NC TOF is simulated and divided by the distance between detection points on PA and PB or NC, hence this table is directly applicable to the data.

PA/PB Detector performance

First, we confirm the PA performance with the correlation between pulse height up/down ratio (horizontal) and down-up time difference (nsec unit, vertical). We should see a positive correlation for each counter, by which proper channel assignment is confirmed, and attenuation length is known. PA attenuation length is deduced to be about 2*L/ln(2.0/0.5) ~ 50 cm.

Nextly, we confirm the PB performance with the correlation between pulse hiight up/down ratio (horizontal) and down-up time difference (vertical), again. We should see a positive correlation for each counter, by which proper channel assignment is confirmed, and attenuation length is known. The counter performance of L-3, and L-14 are strange. The former is due to bud PMT used for top side, while the latter is not known ever. PB attenuation length is deduced to be about 2*L/ln(3.0/0.5) ~ 170 cm. The slope of the correlation is clearly larger than that for PA - that means PB behavier is fairly better than PA on attenuation.

PDC Consistency Study

y/z consistency between PA/PB and detected PDC track is easily examined by y-z shadow of PDC track at PA/PB x position when the interested segment is fired.

Below, PA segment-by-segment y(vertical, mm) - z(horizontal, mm) shadows represented by E549 global coordinate system, are shown. PA and PDC track is confirmed to be consistent, for y direction.

Below, PB segment-by-segment y(vertical, mm) - z(horizontal, mm) shadows represented by E549 global coordinate system, are shown. PB and PDC track is confirmed to be consistent, for z direction.

z/y consistency between PA/PB and detected PDC track is examined by the correlation between z/y shadow of PDC track at PA/PB x position when the interested segment is fired, and down-up time difference.

Below, PA segment-by-segment correlations between shadow z(horizontal, mm) and down-up time difference(vertical, nsec) are shown. PA and PDC track is confirmed to be consistent, also for z direction for all existing segments.

PB segment-by-segment correlations between shadow y(horizontal, mm) and down-up time difference(vertical, nsec) are shown. PN and PDC track is confirmed to be consistent, also for y direction for all existing segments.

By examinations performed above, geometrical consistency between PDC and PA/PB defined completely independently, is successfully confirmed and PA/PB performance has been known segment-by-segment.

Slewing Correction for PA-PB

Since we have 2(arms)*8(PA segments)*17(PB segments) PA-PB combinations, and combination-by-combination statistics for K^+ calibration run, 136-141, are not large enough, the analysis procedure to obtain accurate slewing parameters, time origins for PA-PB segments should be as follows. Note that all slewing parameters are determined PMT-by-PMT.

1. Perform PA-PB slewing correction for all 17 PB-segments with central PA segment, to adjust PB-by-PB time offsets and PB slewing parameters roughly.

2. After PB-by-PB time offsets has been eliminated, and (maybe in-accurate) PB slewing parameters are known, PA-by-PA slewing parameters and time offsets are adjusted with all PB segments, hence with large statistics.

3. PB-by-PB slewing correction for all 17 PB segments are performed, with all PA segments for which relative time offsets and slewing parameters are already known by the procedure 2.

As shown below, muon, pion, electorn/positron from stopped K^+ decay can be discriminated by the correlation between TOF PA->PB before slewing correction and detected energy on PB segment fired. This may be the most general procedure to discriminate mu/pi/e, because the incident position dependence of the event selection is very small in this case, compared to the case in which NT multiplicity cut has been adopted instead.

The resulting slewing parameters of procedure1 are tabulatted below.

Slewing factors for PB obtained by PA-PB TOF with PA 4
PB arm ROWfactor upfactor downresolution (psec)offset(nsec)PA 4 factor upPA 4 factor downEvent Number
L 1 20.934 14.354 151.10.9934 10.623 8.861 1766
L 2 20.780 13.020 133.10.9944 10.125 6.840 2028
L 3 10.676 19.338 131.60.7135 9.540 8.972 2537
L 4 23.373 15.292 125.91.019 11.358 8.011 2969
L 5 21.262 15.118 126.70.9572 11.260 8.823 3197
L 6 30.192 5.374 122.81.013 9.881 9.060 3370
L 7 32.854 4.914 118.90.9967 9.935 9.658 3604
L 8 22.556 15.731 116.91.164 8.379 10.136 3428
L 9 22.414 13.211 115.90.8541 6.744 12.479 3630
L 10 21.267 15.845 126.00.5873 17.015 6.967 3487
L 11 22.403 12.575 114.91.022 7.442 10.733 3437
L 12 24.366 13.426 114.21.202 7.768 11.349 3292
L 13 21.742 13.304 113.61.000 7.660 12.365 2656
L 14 19.804 12.622 121.10.7247 6.953 12.046 2320
L 15 22.793 14.997 129.71.132 5.014 13.655 1858
L 16 17.958 16.874 132.21.044 7.757 11.396 1317
L 17 22.026 13.215 144.30.9183 9.793 10.923 1003
R 1 20.217 13.795 138.40.5688 10.851 13.003 1774
R 2 24.963 12.157 129.31.080 16.706 6.968 2046
R 3 24.398 10.535 127.30.4332 16.629 9.297 2446
R 4 23.813 17.300 115.50.9386 12.458 9.927 2938
R 5 16.987 18.018 114.40.7005 14.841 10.042 3410
R 6 25.063 10.824 107.70.8078 11.606 11.020 3398
R 7 20.524 14.657 105.10.9038 11.686 9.759 3531
R 8 22.839 14.849 105.50.8335 11.644 9.265 3562
R 9 22.788 14.959 101.50.7891 11.492 10.044 3560
R 10 22.289 14.644 98.8 1.007 11.493 10.153 3634
R 11 20.917 12.695 102.90.789 9.411 11.899 3688
R 12 20.209 19.066 101.50.9359 7.773 14.881 3495
R 13 21.585 10.137 106.20.5437 7.239 13.710 3162
R 14 21.218 10.512 109.70.5434 7.749 14.366 2542
R 15 14.765 14.754 128.10.4945 10.296 15.072 2038
R 16 21.406 8.002 119.40.5071 8.352 15.103 1512
R 17 22.820 11.450 124.20.6013 8.774 15.055 1239

Since slewing parameters for PB segments were roughly known by procedure 1, now we can determine PA slewing parameters accurately with full statistics available (from 17 PB segments). The result is tabulatted below.

Slewing factors for PA segments obtained by PA-PB TOF all PB segments
PA arm ROWFactor upFactor downResolution (psec)Offset(nsec)Used Event Number
L 1 7.262 16.215 141.6 3.897 22258
L 2 11.253 7.836 132.0 5.043 34712
L 3 9.411 13.825 133.5 4.604 43610
L 4 10.182 9.490 123.9 5.884 46001
L 5 11.192 12.682 134.4 5.076 47014
L 6 12.551 9.916 132.7 5.982 44187
L 7 12.186 10.189 146.0 5.775 36288
L 8 11.668 12.836 153.3 6.139 24352
R 1 11.573 8.937 130.9 5.063 23753
R 2 10.038 10.679 122.4 6.176 35803
R 3 11.401 11.778 121.4 5.637 45470
R 4 11.615 10.824 114.6 6.048 48766
R 5 11.114 10.997 117.9 6.092 48419
R 6 11.542 9.063 130.6 6.469 45033
R 7 12.395 7.901 123.1 6.139 35324
R 8 12.843 8.872 131.5 6.937 23221

Slewing parameters for PB segments are now determined with full statistics (8 PA segments). The result is tabulatted below.

Slewing factors for PB segments obtained by PA-PB TOF with all PA segments
PB arm ROWFactor upFactor downmu peak width (psec) pi peak width (psec) Additional Offset(nsec)Used Event Number
L 1 19.854 14.348 172.1 172.4 0.71751E-01 11136
L 2 21.001 19.544 149.1 171.9 -0.4056 12899
L 3 9.511 18.555 144.9 162.7 0.1108 16439
L 4 20.975 18.807 139.8 159.2 -0.7031E-01 19293
L 5 20.132 17.915 135.3 158.9 -0.9391E-01 20625
L 6 26.676 7.566 134.3 156.0 0.6536E-01 21815
L 7 27.543 9.855 127.7 156.0 0.4918E-02 22778
L 8 19.877 15.999 126.0 144.9 0.1419 22585
L 9 21.763 15.629 130.6 149.0 -0.1016 22811
L 1018.417 16.658 126.9 156.5 0.1170 22834
L 1122.042 17.009 124.9 150.1 -0.2217 22237
L 1223.193 15.064 126.8 143.6 -0.4824E-01 21136
L 1322.680 15.651 128.0 155.5 -0.1842 17471
L 1420.203 17.876 135.4 157.6 -0.3192 14918
L 1523.347 17.941 139.1 160.1 -0.1982 11704
L 1619.066 18.305 144.4 166.6 -0.1320 8685
L 1716.981 15.583 154.0 169.2 0.1221 6359
R 1 16.757 16.039 146.7 169.3 0.4599E-01 10829
R 2 26.043 16.055 132.1 157.9 -0.3012 12641
R 3 24.097 14.543 135.3 159.9 -0.2134 15539
R 4 24.012 20.116 128.9 153.7 -0.1603 18530
R 5 18.336 20.491 122.8 148.7 -0.2181 20819
R 6 23.070 14.234 118.5 146.5 -0.7859E-01 21569
R 7 19.863 17.372 117.0 140.5 -0.1047 22292
R 8 22.605 15.450 117.3 140.2 -0.1599E-01 22988
R 9 23.822 17.030 114.6 139.5 -0.1636 22763
R 1021.280 15.652 111.2 132.4 0.1539E-01 23587
R 1120.356 15.339 116.2 135.7 -0.1289 23284
R 1219.587 20.424 113.9 134.1 -0.4489E-01 22458
R 1321.206 11.288 123.8 142.3 -0.5353E-01 19772
R 1418.684 15.027 128.0 146.9 -0.9875E-01 16390
R 1515.552 16.792 133.4 160.2 -0.1815 12627
R 1613.376 14.198 139.9 147.4 0.1109 9793
R 1720.391 13.268 147.6 169.5 0.3392E-01 7908

Clear dependence of the resolution on PA and PB segment position is seen, which inplies the particle incident angle or position dependence of the time resolution , which will be studied in near future. Furthermore, we do need complete PID for the study of higher-order-slewing correction fuctors, but we do need well-separated e/mu/pi peaks by 1/beta(or TOF), then. At this moment, it is not achieved yet.

The resulting arm-by-arm 1/beta spectra are shown below. P2, P5, and P8 are e/mu/pi peak center, respectively, while P3, P6, and P9 are Gaussian widths for those three peaks. The overall resolutions, which are defined by the Gaussian sigma values for muon peaks, are 0.0254 and 0.0240, then. Note that TOF offset is just adjusted to make muon 1/beta peak center position to be 1.1017. Then, electron and pion peaks are automatically at the expected position.