Today's Progress 29. Aug. 2005

PDC tracking - study of plane shift

Plane-by-plane residual distribution. Some of them are clearly deviated from 0 by ~60 micron as easily seen. Note that 8 sequential single hits are required to perform tracking

Residual distribution for L(1) Residual distribution for L(2) Residual distribution for R(1) Residual distribution for R(2)

This problem is resolved by completely same procedure used for BLC.

Resulting PDC L arm resolutions after 1st stage shift correction
Y resolution(mm) Z resolution(mm)Plane combinationComment
0.1898 0.2093 -
0.1806 0.2090 0-1(1y-1y' or 1z-1z') Selected as y standard
0.2916 0.2093 0-2(1y-2y or 1z-2z)
0.2421 0.2092 0-3(1y-2y' or 1z-2z)
0.2787 0.2092 1-2(1y'-2y or 1z'-2z)
0.2298 0.2090 1-3(1y'-2y' or 1z'-2z')
0.1828 0.2087 2-3(2y-2y' or 2z-2z') Selected as z standard

Resulting PDC R arm resolutions after 1st stage shift correction
Y resolution(mm) Z resolution(mm)Plane combinationComment
0.1864 0.2206 -
0.1862 0.2180 0-1(1y-1y' or 1z-1z') Selected as y,z standards
0.1905 0.2624 0-2(1y-2y or 1z-2z)
0.1877 0.2381 0-3(1y-2y' or 1z-2z)
0.1899 0.2564 1-2(1y'-2y or 1z'-2z)
0.1874 0.2334 1-3(1y'-2y' or 1z'-2z')
0.1863 0.2188 2-3(2y-2y' or 2z-2z')

PDC resolution and iterration number
stage L-y resolution (mm) L-z resolution (mm) R-y resolution (mm) R-z resolution (mm)
0 0.18980 0.20930 0.18643 0.22058
1 0.18064 0.20866 0.18620 0.21798
2 0.18001 0.20862 0.18630 0.21792
3 0.17996 0.20856 0.18624 0.21786

PDC Plane Shifts
L Y shift(mm) L Z shift(mm) L Y shift(mm) L Z shift(mm)
1 0.0 -0.105 0.0 0.0
1-dash 0.0 -0.050 0.0 0.0
2 0.351 0.0 0.089 0.0571
2-dash 0.569 0.0 0.127 -0.045

PDC tracking - Long-term stability

Run-by-run variation of PDC resolution. dt-dy conversion function is constructed with run 69~90. Then, the resolution is NOT STABLE AT ALL, hence we do need term division. It will be performed together with PA re-timing after relative timig adjustment of the segments.

PDC resolution before term division

Consequently, it is iterative procedure, since PA timing adjustment is affected by PDC tracking result.

Run-by-run variation of PDC tracking efficiency. The denominator is just Kstop*charged trigger number, and events in which both of them are simultaneously tracked are rejected. Tracking condition is at least 3 available planes for both of x-y and x-z. available planes are defined as those on which only one or adjoint two wires are fired.

PDC tracking efficiency

The fraction of L-R simultaneous tracking succeed is fairly stable at around 3.1 %.

Subjects to be done....

1. BLC relative rotation and position shift by K^+-VTC triggered (K^+ * VTC) run. -> Hanaki.

2. PDC relative rotation and position shift by K^+-(PA*PB) triggered (K^+ * charged) run. -> Hanaki.

3. Chamber tracking and single-plane efficiencies and their long-term stability. -> Some efficiencies for some dedicated purpose(or trigger pattern) would be studied after those requirements are recognized.