J-PARC E57/E62(E17) Publication List
Publications in refereed journals
Measurements of Strong-Interaction Effects in Kaonic-Helium Isotopes at Sub-eV Precision with X-Ray Microcalorimeters
T. Hashimoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 112503 (2022).
[Press release: 2022/03/28] 大強度加速器×超高精度"温度計"で原子核を作る力に迫る - 風変わりな原子からのX線の測定精度を飛躍的に向上
Conference proceedings
Integration of a TES-based X-ray spectrometer in a kaonic atom experiment
T. Hashimoto et al.
J. Low Temp. Phys. 199, 1018–1026 (2020).
Proceedings of 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD18)
Kaonic Atom Experiments at J-PARC
T. Hashimoto et al.
JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 023013 (2019).
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018)
A New Silicon Drift Detector System for Kaonic Atom Measurements
C. Trippl, et al.,
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1138, 12013, (2018). [EXA2017]
Beamline test of a transition-edge-sensor spectrometer in preparation for kaonic-atom measurements
T. Hashimoto et al.
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 27(4), 2100905 (2017). [ASC2016]
Kaonic-Atom X-ray Spectroscopy with Superconducting Microcalorimeters
T. Hashimoto et al.
JPS Conf. Proc. 17, 072001 (2017). [HYP2015]
Probing Strong Interaction with Kaonic Atoms --from DAFNE to J-PARC
J. Zmeskal, et al.,
JPS Conf. Proc. 17, 071001 (2017). [HYP2015]
Measurement of the Strong Interaction Induced Shift and Width of the 1s State of Kaonic Deuterium at J-PARC
J. Zmeskal, et al.,
Acta Phys Pol B 46, 101, 2015.
Performance Evaluation of Silicon Drift Detectors for a Precision X-ray Spectroscopyof Kaonic Helium-3
T. Hashimoto et al.,
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 312 052009 (2012) [INPC2010]
Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 X-rays at J-PARC
M. Sato, et al.,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 312 022020 (2012). [INPC2010]
Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 X-rays at J-PRAC
T. Hashimoto et al.,
AIP ConferencProceedings 1388, 580 (2011) [BARYON2010] (not refereed)
Precision spectroscopy of kaonic 3He X-rays at J‐PARC
M. Sato et al.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1374, 216 (2011). [MENU2010]
Status and plans of experiment E17 at J-PARC
B.K. Wuenschek et al.,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A26, 604 (2011). [MESON2010]
Precision spectroscopy of Kaonic helium‐3 and helium-4 3d -> 2p X-rays
T. Ishiwatari, et al.,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1257, 765 (2010) [Hadron2009]
Precision Spectroscopy of Kaonic Helium-3 Atoms X-rays at J-PARC
M. Iio, et al.,
EPJ Web Conf. 3, 03017 (2010). [FewBody19]